Amadeo Peter Giannini Quotes

100 Amadeo Peter Giannini Quotes
(Amadeo Pietro Giannini Quotes, Amadeo Giannini Quotes,
A P Giannini Quotes, Bank of America Quotes)

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[On founding the Bank of America] I’m going to start my own bank.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

You can’t afford to sit back and wait for talent to come to you. You have to be constantly on the lookout for it and then go out and lasso it.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

Those who don’t work never amount to anything.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

It is every man’s duty to strive to give his children the best possible equipment for life. But to leave millions to young sons is dangerous.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

To take from anyone the incentive to work is a questionable service.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

How can people know what a bank can and will do for them unless they’re told?
Amadeo Peter Giannini

A banker should consider himself a servant of the people, a servant of the community.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

The man who will fight hard to get cheaper interest rates is one that we want to loan money to, and if he is willing to pay any old price, look out.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

Be the first in everything.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

Work does not wear me out. It buoys me up.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

I thrive on obstacles, particularly obstacles placed in my way by narrow-gauged competitors and their political friends.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

The main thing is to run your business absolutely straight.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

No man, no bank, no business, should put itself into the grip of any one else.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

Failure usually comes from doing things that shouldn’t have been done – often things of questionable ethics.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

Be ready to help people when they need it most.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

Each of us is better for having to make our own way in the world.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

There is no fun in working merely for money. I like to do things, to be a builder.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

I can let such a conversation go in at one ear and out at the other without ever interfering with my own mental machinery.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

The time to go ahead in business is when the other fellows aren’t doing much.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

Too much money spoils people, it always has, it always will.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

The time for doing business is right now.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

When you sell people keep them sold.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

[His sure-fire success secret] Enjoy your work and bypass part-time ventures.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

Avoid the speculative, grow with your work and have less worry and more fun out of life!
Amadeo Peter Giannini

No man actually owns a fortune; it owns him.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

The women are crazy about him [he kissed their hands, Continental fashion], and he gives a man in overalls as much attention as a big depositor.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

That’s one trouble with bankers. They shut themselves off from people and don’t know what’s going on. Why a banker should do that I can’t imagine.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

We have no money for speculators…
Amadeo Peter Giannini

We consider the wage-earner or small business man who deposits his savings regularly, no matter how small the amount may be, to be the most valuable client our bank can have.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

Crops come on the market at different times in different sections. Growers in one district will be paying off loans at the time growers in another section will be needing funds.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

I have interested myself only in things of interest to me in my business. I have avoided loading my mind and my memory with stuff of no earthly use to me.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

I know just what kind of a building I want and what facilities must be provided. The execution of the plans I leave to others whose business it is to be posted on such matters.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

I tell him what I propose to do and then ask him to knock holes in it.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

[On rejecting a candidate on the basis of age late in his career – but then changed his mind] That proves that I should retire. For a minute, I forgot that I was a good executive myself at 22.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

The gathering together of brainy executives I have always regarded as one of the most important parts of my job. I have always kept my eyes wide open for sprouting talent. For example, one youth caught my eye; I watched him as he developed into a lawyer; and then, when I figured he was ripe, I got him to become one of us. You can’t afford to sit back and wait for talent to come to you. You have to be constantly on the lookout for it and then go out and lasso it.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

The main thing is to run your business absolutely straight. When you have a good, clean bank, absolutely unentangled in any speculative exploits, nothing can happen to you. Whenever banks fail, you find it is because of outside ventures or crookedness by someone inside the institution. No man, no bank, no business, should put itself into the grip of any one else. Failure usually comes from doing things that shouldn’t have been done – often things of questionable ethics.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

Be ready to help people when they need it most. Get ready to yank them out of a hole. The glad hand is alright in sunshine, but it’s the helping hand on a dark day that folks remember to the end of time.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

Some men come to grow away from the people who helped make ‘em. When they climb higher, they forget the old friends and reach out for new ones who, they think, will give them something different they haven’t got. The big fellow doesn’t give you a thing. You’ll find a lot of the big guns will pay attention when they want something; they will use you when you get big enough for their purposes – and a lot of people fall for that stuff. The fellows at the top of the ladder will leave you alone till you get there on top. Then they will become interested only for what they can get out of you, not for what they can give you. Some exceptions, yes. Not many though.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

It was easy to merge banks. People don’t understand that as soon as you have bought a bank, you have assets and cash, and as soon as you take over, you get your money back.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

[In 1945 on his seventy-fifth birthday on the fifth time he was going to retire] I’m ten years past the retirement age by our rules. I’m quitting for good. [‘It seems to me we’ve heard that before’ – A news reporter] And I meant it that time, too.
Amadeo Peter Giannini

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