Bertie Charles Forbes Quotes

1045 Bertie Charles Forbes Quotes

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To get workers on the high gear give them a word of cheer.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Until you learn that work is your best friend, not your worst enemy, you will never go far – except downhill.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Only asses bray.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Fortunes perish. Character lives.
Bertie Charles Forbes

To be successful, be yourself, they say. That’s all right, but you must first see to it that yourself is O.K.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Talk is not always cheap. It often costs a man his job. Sometimes girls, too.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Sinecures are never long secure.
Bertie Charles Forbes

If you can successfully guard against it the other 364 days of the year, you can afford to be made a fool of on April 1st.
Bertie Charles Forbes

To go far, it will help to start early each morning.
Bertie Charles Forbes

We can’t all win applause, but we can strive to win the applause of our own better selves.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Wealth consists of a healthy discontent.
Bertie Charles Forbes

There’s more lying about money than about any other one thing in the world. Money isn’t half the curse it’s often painted – nor half the blessing. It all depends on who owns it.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The poorest way to be busy is to be a busybody.
Bertie Charles Forbes

After all, there’s not substitute for work. That applies to nations as well as individuals.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Liars lose out in the end.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Criticizing, like charity, should begin at home.
Bertie Charles Forbes

If you want to become a getter-on you must be something more than a looker-on.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The proud shall not inherit the earth, only its illwill.
Bertie Charles Forbes

To have a high batting average of your own is infinitely more important than having a storehouse of knowledge of the batting averages of baseball stars.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Setbacks stiffen your backbone if it’s made of the right stuff.
Bertie Charles Forbes

If your life isn’t planned you’ll end by being panned.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Some men would rather rise to high rank in a fraternal order than rank high as a worker. And their work is likely to show it.
Bertie Charles Forbes

I asked John D Rockefeller to what he most attributed his business success. He replied: ‘To others.’ Ponder that. It contains deep philosophy for you.
Bertie Charles Forbes

If you are a brain-worker, let nothing – nothing – crush out your individuality. It is your contribution to the world. No one can supply it.
Bertie Charles Forbes

To master circumstances, first master your work.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The question of questions is: Are you adding to the world’s happiness?
Bertie Charles Forbes

Once in a while, look up at the stars and, as you gaze, think.
Bertie Charles Forbes

You must prove yourself a profitable investment for your employer, or why should he keep you? Don’t be at all afraid you will make yourself too profitable. He or some other employer will be glad to share the profit with you.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Be a peace-maker.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Ability to make a passable speech is like an account in the bank; a valuable asset, only it must not be drawn upon too heavily.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The more you disappoint, the more your disappointments.
Bertie Charles Forbes

A really good man usually, in time, gravitates to a good job.
Bertie Charles Forbes

The pathway to happiness begins in the heart, and lies through the hearts of others.
Bertie Charles Forbes

If there be an elixir of life, it is laughter.
Bertie Charles Forbes

To make good, be good for something.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Be fit.
Bertie Charles Forbes

If you are meek enough, nothing – no one – can frighten, intimidate or swerve you.
Bertie Charles Forbes

Are you a wage-earner, or only a wage wanter?
Bertie Charles Forbes

Not how much you have, but how you are using what you have is, after all, the real test, is it not?
Bertie Charles Forbes

Bertie Charles Forbes

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