Bill Gates Quotes

1003 Bill Gates Quotes

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Science is this phenomenal thing.
Bill Gates

[In December 2008] In Africa, keeping things chilled is almost impossible.
Bill Gates

This is the best time ever to be someone who is curious.
Bill Gates

I feel embarrassed that I haven`t learned more languages.
Bill Gates

I was lucky enough in my Microsoft work to accumulate an ownership that was worth a lot of money.
Bill Gates

If the world was more rational, it would have spent tens of billions on vaccines for malaria and AIDS and diarrheal diseases like - it would have done that before I came along.
Bill Gates

[On Malaria in December 2008] It`s the worst disease. AIDS competes, but in terms of the overall effect on productivity and death, malaria is the most awful disease.
Bill Gates

All these problems have fascinating complexity…
Bill Gates

Often, it just takes a lot of stages before you get there.
Bill Gates

My role can be catalytic…
Bill Gates

In companies… they can do all sorts of stupid things, but they get the feedback from the customers. The customers stop buying. The business stops making money.
Bill Gates

In some ways if you make mistakes with your own money, you don’t feel as bad about it as if it’s someone else’s.
Bill Gates

[In June 2010 on Warren Buffett teaming up with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation] With the doubling of resources, we think our impact can even more than double. And so it’s thrilling, but it’s a huge responsibility.
Bill Gates

[On the giving pledge] It’s quite simple. The idea is that people who are engaged in philanthropy will write a letter talking about what they’re doing, and they make a commitment to give the majority of their wealth either during their life or through their will.
Bill Gates

Keep it simple.
Bill Gates

[On philanthropy] It’s a real mind shift. You’ve been making money. Giving away is a bit different. And you’re not sure if you’re going to find something. So it requires taking a little bit of a leap. You don’t know how fulfilling that’s going to be.
Bill Gates

The history of philanthropy is an amazing thing. The libraries in America, Carnegie had a lot to do with that. Some of the medical research, Rockefeller had a lot to do with that. Highlighting causes that later became something the government got involved with, looking at the schools that the blacks were going into the south, Rockefeller gave a lot of money to that and really showed the incredible injustice that was there. So we’re building on a legacy of some brilliant work that really made a difference.
Bill Gates

We have people like George Soros who’ve been creative going into the new societies in Eastern Europe and trying to get those going, and I think made a huge difference. He took a big risk.
Bill Gates

[On philanthropy] It’s kind of the best of capitalism. Somebody makes money, which is very enjoyable and you get, as Warren said, you lack for nothing, and then hopefully you’re taking that ability and you’re being smart that you say, OK, I was lucky, now let me create good circumstances for other people.
Bill Gates

There’s a broad set of things that would never happen without philanthropy.
Bill Gates

I love the fact that lots of philanthropists focus on a pretty small number of things.
Bill Gates

[With respect to philanthropy] It broadens you as a person to be involved in these things.
Bill Gates

I think it’s very important that when philanthropy shows something can work, that there’s some mechanism through the democracy to have government benefit from the experimentation that philanthropy puts forward - I think our system in the United States is a mixed system where we have so much philanthropy, the United Way giving to many different causes.
Bill Gates

The magic of software is just at the beginning of what it can do.
Bill Gates

[In September 2009] The most exciting things will happen in the next ten years.
Bill Gates

[In September 2009] The camera from the computer has gotten very, very cheap. And now what’s improving is the software that goes with that camera.
Bill Gates

[In 2009] Everything is web-based.
Bill Gates

[On video on the internet in September 2009] The consumer wins, and that’s all we can say for sure.
Bill Gates

My dad has set an example by what he does. You know, whether it was at the university speaking out on tough political issues, or going to war, or being a great lawyer.
Bill Gates

It’s been a very positive influence to push me to think with more humility…
Bill Gates

I think my dad might give more, sooner.
Bill Gates

[On his father] He encouraged me to start the foundation while I was still working full time and, you know, for a few years I wasn’t sure that was right.
Bill Gates

[On his first experience with a computer] We wanted to know how it worked and how to write software.
Bill Gates

[On Paul Allen] Paul had spotted this computer on a chip, the microprocessor. And we’d been talking about that for several years. And he had encouraged me, hey, let’s start a company. Let’s start a company.
Bill Gates

[On whether to found Microsoft or keep on studying at Harvard] I was under some pressure to go to school and do - you know, be semi-normal.
Bill Gates

Paul [Allen] and I had seen that the combination of these chips and software could do something amazing, and that’s why we immediately wrote some software and called up that company, and they became our first customer.
Bill Gates

[On saying 30 years later that ‘Dad, I always told you I’d come back and get my degree.’] That was a fun moment.
Bill Gates

As the business got bigger, I got advice from my dad. Going public was a key milestone.
Bill Gates

[On going public with Microsoft] That was a big milestone.
Bill Gates

[In September 2009 on his foundation] That is my focus.
Bill Gates

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