Bill Nickerson Quotes

102 Bill Nickerson Quotes

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They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but you can sure jazz up an old dog of an apartment house.
Bill Nickerson

Conrad Hilton was widely criticized for money-grubbing when he converted just about every available inch of showy and cavernous lobbies to retail rentals. Now as costs of land and construction keep spiraling upward, the trend of renting most nonproductive lobby and dead-storage space in basements and attics is commonly accepted.
Bill Nickerson

All structures at all times can stand some improvement. Anything that you can think of that could go into a building can be improved.
Bill Nickerson

A Southern general said, ‘The way to win battles is to get there fustest with the mostest men and guns.’ Certainly the way to win money-making tenants is to get there fustest with the mostest competent staff and profitable improvements. But the way to win financially is to borrow the mostest and pay lastest and leastest.
Bill Nickerson

Opportunity is always knocking.
Bill Nickerson

[In 1986] Nothing that you can conceive is absolutely impossible, but it is almost impossible to have another major depression as in 1929. There are many built-in safety factors that we did not have in 1929… In 1929 you could buy stock with only 10 percent down, and a slight dip in the market wiped you out.
Bill Nickerson

The real estate field is continually expanding, and there is plenty of room for all who apply themselves.
Bill Nickerson

Everyday… some pessimists keep saying there is no opportunity anymore. Back during the Depression many experts, such as my economics professor said… ‘The days of opportunity are over.’ One of the biggest thrills for… me… was an invitation from Fresno State College… I was asked to lecture to the student body on my best seller, How I Turned $1,000 into $1 million in Real Estate – in my spare time… and lo and behold in a seat of honor our old economics professor!
Bill Nickerson

[On his economic professor who said during the depression that the days of opportunity are over] Guess what our economics professor said? ‘I’m proud to say that I taught Bill Nickerson everything he knows about economics!… But now that we have better times, it’s too late for opportunity!’ Just think, you can find it, but that poor professor, like a lot of other prophets of doom, will never find opportunity! All he can say is ‘I should have.’
Bill Nickerson

Often opportunity is there and we don’t see it. Or we may see it and pass opportunity by. Some skeptics, like our economics professor, never recognize an opportunity until after they have missed it!
Bill Nickerson

Opportunity does depend on your personal attitude – whether you really want to recognize it and make progress.
Bill Nickerson

Opportunity is always there for you, yesterday, today, and every day, in good times or bad.
Bill Nickerson

The road to riches is paved with borrowed money.
Bill Nickerson

[In 1959] In every year, in good times or bad, investment opportunities are always knocking, in spite of the pessimists who perennially lament, ‘There is no opportunity today.’
Bill Nickerson

[On investing in real estate] It is never too late to start.
Bill Nickerson

Millionaires, like banks, are made of borrowed money.
Bill Nickerson

Show me a millionaire, and I will show you, almost invariably, a heavy borrower.
Bill Nickerson

Income property opportunities are unlimited, continuously expanding like the universe.
Bill Nickerson

Normally the greater your possible return the greater your risk. But this is not true of real-estate investment.
Bill Nickerson

[In 1959 on real estate] Salability may fluctuate with inflation and recession. But your real estate will always retain an intrinsic value which economic forces cannot destroy.
Bill Nickerson

A newer property offers little chance to increase value.
Bill Nickerson

Among the sellers I have encountered who have offered bargains or unusually good terms are: 1) Unimaginative owners who allow their properties to deteriorate. 2) Stubborn owners whose net incomes drop because they refuse to change 3) Shortsighted milkers who feed no income back into improvements 4) Multiple heirs who let a property go to pot, because no one is responsible 5) Heirs in a hurry to divide estate proceeds 6) Spendthrifts who sell cheap to pay for personal indulgences 7) Improvidents forced to sell to pay personal debts 8) Absentee owners who do not keep abreast of actual rental or sale values 9) Would-be investors in other fields, such as a business 10) Older owners who wish to liquidate and take back mortgages.
Bill Nickerson

A bank does not lend on the basis of need, only on your ability to repay.
Bill Nickerson

It is a common but false doctrine that success in one field assures success in another. The key to avoiding mistakes is to stay in your proved field of investment, as most money is lot in trying an unknown business or speculation.
Bill Nickerson

Motels and hotels, like resorts are business rather than investment operations.
Bill Nickerson

Buying unimproved land is purely speculation, rather than an investment.
Bill Nickerson

Although you may buy with the potential in mind, never pay for the promise of a high potential. Always buy on the basis of present income…
Bill Nickerson

Capital is the lifeblood of your progress. To insure success you should keep it continually working for your benefit, until you reach your goal…
Bill Nickerson

Honesty is more important than assets in building credit.
Bill Nickerson

Many are the ways of pyramiding equities [equity in real estate] to a million or more. All depend on favorable credit, geared to creative investment.
Bill Nickerson

[In 1969] Opportunities for the average person today are better than ever before.
Bill Nickerson

Opportunities await throughout the United States for every enterprising investor who seeks a realty fortune.
Bill Nickerson

[In 1969] Is it still possible to become a millionaire in this country? At this writing… the United States has 90,000 individual millionaires, and their numbers are growing at the rate of about 30 every working day, or 8,000 a year. This annual increase is close to the total number of millionaires when I started investing 30 years ago!
Bill Nickerson

Most forms of investment pay only the paltry leavings after others deduct their expenses and fair compensation for using your money. You lend your savings to banks and insurance companies, and they capitalize on your money for their profit.
Bill Nickerson

Investment in business and income property puts you on the real money-making side of the capital fence and pays you for courage and imagination.
Bill Nickerson

Buying a home by utilizing the savings of others constitutes your usual first step, as it did mine, on the real-estate road to a million.
Bill Nickerson

My wife, Lucille, and I came from low-income families, poor in worldly possessions. Like most of our contemporaries starting to earn a living during the depression, we were obsessed with a goal of security.
Bill Nickerson

The chances for success today offer less risk by far than those taken by our pioneer settlers…
Bill Nickerson

It is never too late to start, although fortune favors the early starters.
Bill Nickerson

A widow of eighty-four looks and acts twenty years younger discussing her apartments. They not only pay her a comfortable retirement income but help to preserve her youthful spirit. There is no question that property ownership has added years to the lives of many older members.
Bill Nickerson

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