Brian Tracy Quotes

455 Brian Tracy Quotes

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You cannot increase the quality or quantity of your achievement or performance except to the degree in which you increase your ability to use your time effectively.
Brian Tracy

Time is inelastic and inflexible. Time is indispensable. No achievement is possible without time.
Brian Tracy

You are always free to choose what you do first, what you do second, and what you do not do at all.
Brian Tracy

Time management requires self-discipline, self-mastery and self-control more than anything else.
Brian Tracy

Time management is really personal management, life management and management of yourself.
Brian Tracy

Your most valuable asset is your earning ability. It’s your ability to apply your knowledge and skills in a timely fashion in order to get the results for which others will pay.
Brian Tracy

Your success in your career will be in direct proportion to what you do after you’ve done what you are expected to do.
Brian Tracy

Loyalty is one of the most valuable traits of the effective executive – to your company, your boss and your staff.
Brian Tracy

Whatever job you take on, make yourself valuable, then indispensable.
Brian Tracy

Your rewards in life will be determined by what you do, how well you do it, and the difficulty of replacing you.
Brian Tracy

Ask your boss for advice on how to get ahead in your career. Then, take it!
Brian Tracy

Pattern yourself after the very best people in your field. Do what they do.
Brian Tracy

Keep yourself positive, cheerful and goal-oriented. Sales success is 80 percent attitude and only 20 percent aptitude.
Brian Tracy

Combine the dual qualities of empathy and ambition in every sales relationship.
Brian Tracy

If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing poorly at first. Don’t be afraid to try.
Brian Tracy

Develop the “winning edge” in sales. Small differences in ability can translate into enormous differences in results.
Brian Tracy

Guard your thoughts carefully. The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life.
Brian Tracy

Think continually of yourself as if you were one of the top money earners in your field. How would you think, talk, and behave if you were already there?
Brian Tracy

Keep your mind positive at all times. Interpret things to yourself in a positive way.
Brian Tracy

In every sales situation, act boldly and unseen forces will come to your aid.
Brian Tracy

Think of the amount of money you want to earn this year and then imagine that you are already at that level.
Brian Tracy

Continually push yourself out of your comfort zone. Push yourself to stretch as you try new things each day.
Brian Tracy

Develop a clear blueprint for sales success, covering every aspect of your activities.
Brian Tracy

Refuse to let the fear of rejection hold you back. Remember, rejection is never personal.
Brian Tracy

Get around the winners in selling. Associate with the very best people in your industry and avoid the others.
Brian Tracy

Accept complete responsibility for everything you are and everything you ever will be. Because you are responsible.
Brian Tracy

Position yourself as a consultant rather than a salesperson, first in your own mind and then in the mind of your customer.
Brian Tracy

Approach each customer with the idea of helping him or her solve a problem or achieve a goal, not of selling a product or service.
Brian Tracy

Resolve to be among the top 20 percent of salespeople who make 80 percent of the sales.
Brian Tracy

Familiarize yourself with every detail of what you sell and what your competitors sell as well.
Brian Tracy

Be positive, pleasant, patient and easygoing-no matter how busy you really are.
Brian Tracy

Whatever got you to where you are today is not enough to keep you there.
Brian Tracy

Learn to use the telephone professionally and skillfully as an essential business tool.
Brian Tracy

Think of yourself as a resource to yourself and to your clients, and advisor, counsellor, mentor and friend.
Brian Tracy

Plan your work and work your plan. Decide in advance exactly how you are going to get from where you are to where you want to go.
Brian Tracy

Become a strategic thinker. Set goals for what you want and create organized plans of action to achieve them.
Brian Tracy

Be intensely result-oriented in everything you do. This is a key characteristic of high performers.
Brian Tracy

Be sensitive to the best interests of your customers, but never forget that you are there to sell, not socialize.
Brian Tracy

Practice the Golden Rule in selling; “Sell unto others as you would have them sell unto you.”
Brian Tracy

Use testimonial letters from satisfied customers at every opportunity.
Brian Tracy

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