Brian Tracy Quotes

455 Brian Tracy Quotes

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Always give people the choice of “A” or “B” rather than “Yes” or “No.”
Brian Tracy

Keep your sales pipeline full by prospecting continually. Always have more people to see than you have time to see them.
Brian Tracy

Always be willing to go the extra mile, to do more than is expected of you. There are never any traffic jams on the extra mile.
Brian Tracy

Focus your sales conversation on the benefits that the customer will enjoy when he or she owns and uses your product or service.
Brian Tracy

Ask someone to accompany you on your sales calls, sit there quietly, and then tell you afterwards what they saw. Ask for feedback; you can only improve with the frank and honest evaluations of others.
Brian Tracy

Look upon your sales territory as a farmer looks upon a rich piece of land; like an area to be harvested, year after year.
Brian Tracy

Unlock your inborn creativity; always be looking for better, faster, easier ways to sell more of your product or service.
Brian Tracy

Prepare your questions thoroughly in advance; they are the keys to sales success.
Brian Tracy

Avoid negative people at all costs; they tire you out and wear you down.
Brian Tracy

Dedicate yourself to serving your customers and your sales will take care of themselves.
Brian Tracy

Determine the real reasons that people buy your product or service and organize your entire sales presentation around them.
Brian Tracy

Recognize the words, “I’m not interested,” for what they are. The customer is saying that his or her interest has not yet been aroused sufficiently. That’s all.
Brian Tracy

Listen for emotion-charged words that the customer uses; repeat them back later to show you were really listening.
Brian Tracy

Ask questions and listen until you discover the “hot button” of your customer; then structure your presentation around your client’s concern.
Brian Tracy

Demonstrate that your product or service is the ideal solution to your client’s problem. The sale follows from that.
Brian Tracy

Make a list of all the reasons why anyone would buy your product or service. Organize them by priority and memorize them.
Brian Tracy

Go to bed early each night; selling is hard work.
Brian Tracy

Don’t use words like, “Quality,” “Service,” “Value,” or “Price” as reasons to buy unless your competitors do not offer them at all. Otherwise, you’ll just sound foolish.
Brian Tracy

Identify the attributes of an excellent prospect and then seek out more of them.
Brian Tracy

Help your customer recognize that he has an immediate need for what you are selling. This comes first.
Brian Tracy

Differentiate your product or service from your competitors’ by emphasizing your “unique selling proposition.” Bring the entire decision to hang on this key benefit.
Brian Tracy

Appeal to the most pressing need of your customer as it relates to your product in every selling situation.
Brian Tracy

Don’t ever settle for less than your best; your potential is unlimited.
Brian Tracy

Give customers honest information about how your product or service can help them to improve their businesses or lives.
Brian Tracy

Determine the key result areas of your prospect; how can you help him or her to perform better in one of these areas?
Brian Tracy

Think about your easiest sales; why did they take place, and how could you create more of them?
Brian Tracy

Commit to being among the top 10 percent of people in your profession. Anything less is not worthy of you.
Brian Tracy

Dress the way your prospect’s advisors dress; if you want people to accept your recommendations, you must look believable.
Brian Tracy

Pay twice as much for your clothes, and buy half as many. Expensive clothes are cheaper because you wear them more often.
Brian Tracy

Never wear or carry anything that looks cheap when you go to see a customer. It undermines your credibility.
Brian Tracy

Become an unshakable optimist; talk about and think about only the things you want.
Brian Tracy

Exercise regularly; the fitter you are, the more effective you will be.
Brian Tracy

Manage and influence the customer’s perceptions of you by managing and influencing what you allow him or her to see and hear.
Brian Tracy

Start by sitting up straight, be alert and lean forward when you are talking to a customer. This makes you look professional.
Brian Tracy

Make a game of finding something positive in every situation. Ninety-five percent of your emotions are determined by how you interpret events to yourself.
Brian Tracy

Optimism is the one quality more associated with success and happiness than any other.
Brian Tracy

Dream big dreams! Imagine that you have no limitations and then decide what’s right before you decide what’s possible.
Brian Tracy

Attitude and personality are as important as experience and ability. Choose wisely.
Brian Tracy

Your attitude is an expression of your values, beliefs and expectations.
Brian Tracy

If you did not care at all what anyone else thought about you, what would you do differently or change in your life?
Brian Tracy

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