Charles J Givens Quotes

150 Charles J Givens Quotes

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Exercise at least every other day.
Charles J Givens

Cut down on both the quantity of food and the quantity of fats you eat.
Charles J Givens

Push past fatigue.
Charles J Givens

Drink plenty of water.
Charles J Givens

Breathe deeply and sit up straight.
Charles J Givens

Do some quick exercises.
Charles J Givens

Trigger your adrenal glands.
Charles J Givens

Refocus on your goals and objectives.
Charles J Givens

Use short naps to overcome fatigue.
Charles J Givens

Caution is a mental process; fear is a destructive emotion.
Charles J Givens

Fear causes the reaction of avoidance or inaction.
Charles J Givens

Worry is an accumulation of thoughts about future, potentially negative outcomes.
Charles J Givens

Worry is the process of mentally creating potential negative outcomes.
Charles J Givens

Eliminate worry by refocusing your thoughts on the present.
Charles J Givens

Constantly confront the things you fear.
Charles J Givens

Act even in the face of fear.
Charles J Givens

Visualize a positive outcome for every fear-triggering situation you face.
Charles J Givens

The first step in confronting fears is to identify what you fear.
Charles J Givens

Create a mind-movie to experience the event you fear in a nonthreatening environment.
Charles J Givens

Exercise for twenty minutes to one hour every other day to help drain accumulated stress.
Charles J Givens

Eliminate negativity from your life.
Charles J Givens

Continuously affirm to yourself, “It’s just an event.”
Charles J Givens

To reduce stress, don’t make value judgments about people or events.
Charles J Givens

To cut stress, disconnect your emotions from the outcome of events.
Charles J Givens

To disconnect your emotions from the out come of events, state preferences instead of expectations or demands.
Charles J Givens

The intensity of emotion experienced by an unmet demand is directly proportional to the intensity of the demand.
Charles J Givens

The more specific and measurable your goal, the more quickly it can be accomplished.
Charles J Givens

Make your goals believable.
Charles J Givens

The impact of doubt is directly proportional to both the level of difficulty in achieving and a goal and the intensity of the doubt.
Charles J Givens

Overcome doubt with positive, present-tense affirmations.
Charles J Givens

Commit your goals to a written list.
Charles J Givens

Increased clarity equals increased opportunity.
Charles J Givens

State your goals as single, concise sentences beginning with action verbs.
Charles J Givens

Set a realistic target date for the completion of each goal.
Charles J Givens

Keep a copy of your top ten goals where you will see it every day.
Charles J Givens

Visualize your goals clearly to achieve them more quickly.
Charles J Givens

Make visualizing your goals a regular habit.
Charles J Givens

Add momentum to your visualizations with some high-powered emotions.
Charles J Givens

Visualize your goals just before you go to sleep.
Charles J Givens

Visualize your goals as if you have already achieved them.
Charles J Givens

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