Charles Schwab Quotes

101 Charles Schwab Quotes

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There is nothing a worker resents more than to see some man taking his job.
Charles Schwab

A factory can be closed down, its chimneys smokeless, waiting for the worker to come back to his job, and all will be peaceful. But the moment workers are imported, and the striker sees his own place usurped, there is bound to be trouble.
Charles Schwab

The automobile business… It is one of the largest and most active phases of modern development. It affects the convenience and the pleasure of all civilized countries. It involves vast capital and armies of workmen. Yet it is notorious that American automobiles have not ranked as high as European automobiles.
Charles Schwab

Considering our matchless supply of raw materials, and the energy, intelligence, and practical ingenuity of our people, it has puzzled some people to account for our failure to keep abreast of Europe in this distinctly modern industry, an industry well adapted to our resources both of men and material.
Charles Schwab

The truth is that we have hitherto made no genuine effort to produce forged steel working parts of automobiles of the highest quality. That is one of the reasons why our automobiles have not ranked with those of foreign make.
Charles Schwab

In Germany this summer I saw them making automobile parts of the same fine steel used in guns. Now how can our products compete with that sort of thing?
Charles Schwab

If I had not sold that 10 cent cigar to Bill Jones, I might still be selling dried apples over a counter.
Charles Schwab

My whole object in life then was to show him my worth and to prove it. I thought and dreamed of nothing else but the steel works.
Charles Schwab

[On producing ships at the Fleet Corporation during World War I] I regarded as the essential feature in producing ships the enthusing of the working people of the United State, on whom results depended – making them realize the importance of what they were doing in conjunction with the men in the trenches, and heightening their efficiency. This is called human engineering and I proceeded with the policy of practicing that kind of engineering.
Charles Schwab

Many of us think of salespeople as people travelling around with sample kits. Instead, we are all salesman, every day of our lives.
Charles Schwab

[In 1918] There is enough steel to meet all needs.
Charles Schwab

[On buying iron ore mines for US Steel] I think we have been a little too conservative in taking mines; some that we have refused have doubled in value since.
Charles Schwab

One mill should run on one product and not one mill on 50 products as was then the practice.
Charles Schwab

[On US Steel on the 12th of December 1900] The history of the Corporation is marked, not only by… vast increase in capacity, but also by some radical changes in methods, such as the installation of gas engines, the displacement of steam engines by electric motors, and the building of by-product coke ovens.
Charles Schwab

[At the end of 1900] I really believe that for the next ten years the Carnegie Company will show greater earnings than all the others together… I shall not feel satisfied until we are producing 500,000 tones per month and finishing same. And we’ll do it within five years.
Charles Schwab

We have reached in this country an amazing degree of general prosperity, with American business on the whole no longer facing an uphill climb…
Charles Schwab

[On leaving US Steel in later life] I could not do what I had been doing all my life. I was hampered by directors and other interests who did not give me sufficient play to be useful.
Charles Schwab

After a man’s position is assured, he can indulge in pleasure if he wishes. He will have lost nothing by waiting – and gained much. He will have made money enough really to afford to spend some, and he will know that he has done his duty by himself and by the world.
Charles Schwab

Young men may enjoy dropping their work at five or six o’clock and slipping into a dress suit for an evening of pleasure; but the habit has certain drawbacks…
Charles Schwab

I thought and dreamed of nothing else but the steel works.
Charles Schwab

Don’t be reluctant about putting on overalls!
Charles Schwab

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