Charlie Munger Quotes

372 Charlie Munger Quotes

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[In April 2015.] I don’t understand it. I understand peanut brittle.
Charlie Munger

[In April 2015.] It is surprising how extreme the stupidity is and how talented the people are who do them. I think the human mind was almost made to malfunction in a lot of different ways. It makes the world a very dangerous place.
Charlie Munger

[In April 2015.] Nobody survives open heart surgery better than the guy who doesn’t need it at all.
Charlie Munger

[In April 2015 on the correct levels of debt in an investment or a business.] If you’re investment is uncertain, say, as running a big complicated enterprise, there’s a lot to be said for having a lot of extra wealth and liquidity… Do we want them all to be leveraged to the gills so we can buy back the maximum amount of stock?… The idea that they should all leverage themselves to the gills to please a bunch of activists would be like taking all the safety margin out of bridges on the theory we’d save steel. That’s a dumb idea.
Charlie Munger

[In April 2015.] It’s not good to have so many gambling casinos in disguise in the financial markets.
Charlie Munger

[In April 2015 on comparing Henry Singleton who built Teledyne and who he considered a genius well into the top 1/1,000 of one percent compared with Warren Buffett.] What was interesting to me was how much smarter Warren was at investing money than Henry. Henry was born a lot smarter, but Warren had thought about investments a lot longer. Warren just ran rings around Henry as an investor even though Henry was a genius, and Warren was a mere almost-genius.
Charlie Munger

[In May 2015.] If people were not often wrong, we would not be so rich.
Charlie Munger

[In May 2015.] Rationality is a moral duty.
Charlie Munger

[In May 2015.] We are swimming all the time and [we] let the tide take care of itself.
Charlie Munger

[In May 2015.] China would be better off copying Berkshire than copying Silicon Valley.
Charlie Munger

[In May 2015.] The only way I could get people to like me was by getting rich and being generous.
Charlie Munger

[In May 2015 on the Euro and Greece.] You don’t form a business partnership with your thriftless drunkard brother-in-law.
Charlie Munger

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