Clive Palmer Quotes

100 Clive Palmer Quotes

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[On building the Titanic II] We want the best people throughout the globe to come and work on this project.
Clive Palmer

One of the things we’re doing is where the old boilers were and their coal storage areas which is to be a diesel propelled, much smaller power plant but much more efficient we’ll be having an area set aside for Queensland, where I come from. And we’ll be highlighting the types of things our states got to offer… Like a state room setup - saying what the development opportunities are here, what our people are like, what investment opportunities are. And in the old area where coal used to be stored, we’ll be highlighting the state, hoping that we can attract more tourists, more people to come and have a look at the Great Barrier Reef, one of the few things that you can see from the moon.
Clive Palmer

We own the name Titanic II, it’s been trademarked by us… You’ll find in the movie for Titanic they only ticked the box which says to use the name for movies, and not for shipping.
Clive Palmer

[On describing himself in 2012] I think like everyone else, I’m just a person doing the best I can in my life... I’ve been lucky in a number of areas.
Clive Palmer

Of course it’s going to sink if you put a hole in it. But it’s not going to be designed with a hole in it. It’s going to be designed so it won’t sink. It’s be designed as a modern ship.
Clive Palmer

We believe we’ve got to get jobs moving in this country.
Clive Palmer

[On why he wants to do his big audacious plans] Why do we want to go to the moon? We want to go to the moon cause it’s there. Cause we can do it. Cause we have a great country. And a great people that we want to show to Asia.
Clive Palmer

In the last thirty years there has been no investment in Australian tourism. Our resorts have lagged behind.
Clive Palmer

[On resort and development plans] This is not a billion dollar proposal. It’s a two and a half billion dollar proposal.
Clive Palmer

I think it’s a cop-out when things are failing to attack the individual. Play the man and not the ball.
Clive Palmer

Freedom of speech is what it’s about.
Clive Palmer

It doesn’t matter how much money you’ve got, the content of your character - rich or poor - is what’s important for this country.
Clive Palmer

[On the Titanic II plans] We’ll have a whole deck of lifeboats.
Clive Palmer

I love pensioners. My closest relations are pensioners.
Clive Palmer

I want the best for all Australians.
Clive Palmer

Can you deny my rights as a citizen of Australia just because I've been successful in life, it hasn't been my fault. I'm sorry about that, but I've done the best I can.
Clive Palmer

My activity really is in ideas and concepts.
Clive Palmer

As John F Kennedy said a long time ago ‘Governments may come and go, politicians may come and go, but ideas go on forever.’ Let’s stick with our ideas, that’s what really matters.
Clive Palmer

[On his budget to build the Titanic II] The sky’s the limit I think. All the money I’ve got is the budget, so I should have enough.
Clive Palmer

You've got to remember, you don't need much money to live, you only need enough for a meal, somewhere to sleep and as I said, having a good partner by your side. With those things you're basically happy.
Clive Palmer

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