Craig Turnbull Quotes

100 Craig Turnbull Quotes

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Many people do not have the patience to wait for the gains…
Craig Turnbull

Property is one of my passions.
Craig Turnbull

Failures are those people who are troubled by those rough times because all they have are the rough times. They haven’t designed their lives…
Craig Turnbull

Your goals are your set of instructions to your sub-conscious self. Without them you are as a ship without a rudder – doomed to drift aimlessly around the ocean but never to reach your port of destination.
Craig Turnbull

There are no limits, other than those you set for yourself.
Craig Turnbull

Many people are not prepared to wait 10 or 20 years for the investment tree to bear fruit…
Craig Turnbull

New properties tend to have lower short term potential for capital growth…
Craig Turnbull

It is far harder to add value initially to a new home since the developer has already made the profit.
Craig Turnbull

You must realise that what produced an outstanding result in the past may not necessarily hold true for the future.
Craig Turnbull

Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognise a mistake when you make it again.
Craig Turnbull

A mistake made once is a wonderful chance for a learning experience. A mistake made twice is a habit.
Craig Turnbull

When you plant a fruit tree from a seed or a cutting, do you expect to eat from the fruit the next day?
Craig Turnbull

Let time be your ally and patience your friend.
Craig Turnbull

Research is not about what has happened and history. It is equally about what is going to happen in the future.
Craig Turnbull

There is little point in gathering information if you do not know what it means or how it will affect your potential investment.
Craig Turnbull

The real estate agent (salus commissionus maximus) is a species held in very poor esteem in society, right down there with politicians and car salesmen.
Craig Turnbull

Fear of missing out on a great bargain is something that most people cannot separate from the analytical process of purchasing an investment property.
Craig Turnbull

Never tell the agent your walk away price.
Craig Turnbull

Many is the time I have watched buyers give up their negotiating advantage by speaking far too much.
Craig Turnbull

Vendors just love to get offers for more than their asking price and will work with you to make it happen.
Craig Turnbull

Verbal offers aren’t worth the paper they are written on.
Craig Turnbull

This is the name of the game – use other peoples money to get leverage and allow the power of compounding to work for you.
Craig Turnbull

The bank will only lend you money when you can prove you don’t really need it!
Craig Turnbull

Vacancy – the landlords nightmare!
Craig Turnbull

There was a limit to how much time I had, but I could always make more money.
Craig Turnbull

Successful real estate investment really means establishing a three way relationship between you, your property manager and your tenants.
Craig Turnbull

Most homebuyers do not want to spend the time or money fixing up a property but would much rather just move in and relax. I know of investors who have made this their full time occupation, buying, renovating and selling as a path to financial freedom.
Craig Turnbull

This is my favourite way of buying property. Using absolutely none of my own money!
Craig Turnbull

Freedom is having the ability to choose to do something and then being able to act on that choice.
Craig Turnbull

Wealth is having enough passive income to cover all your expenses for the lifestyle of your choice, indefinitely, without having to work – ever.
Craig Turnbull

The best time to sell a business is when it is performing extremely well - market conditions can change dramatically…
Craig Turnbull

I have been rich and I have been poor – rich is much, much better!
Craig Turnbull

If you understand you cannot fail, you will not.
Craig Turnbull

Don’t be a professional knowledge gatherer... Be a doer.
Craig Turnbull

To become wealthy through property, you must have a belief and a positive expectation that you can achieve your goal.
Craig Turnbull

Property, when carefully selected, financed and managed is the best investment that the average person can make.
Craig Turnbull

To find a prince, you must kiss a lot of frogs… be prepared to submit lots of offers before one gets accepted.
Craig Turnbull

I found that trying to use too many strategies split my focus…
Craig Turnbull

The key to negotiating successfully is understanding your vendor’s situation…
Craig Turnbull

I have lost count of the number of dishwashers that have been sold with houses attached!
Craig Turnbull

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