Deborah Meaden Quotes

101 Deborah Meaden Quotes

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My mother had absolutely no time for self-pity. I’m the same - not interested.
Deborah Meaden

There’s no point whingeing about it, get on and make of it what you will.
Deborah Meaden

I’ve tried to ignore the male/female thing.
Deborah Meaden

I’m very direct, I don’t believe in wasting time…
Deborah Meaden

I don’t speak for the sake of speaking…
Deborah Meaden

I form opinions quickly.
Deborah Meaden

If somebody is asking me for my money, my job at that moment is to establish where or not this is a good investment, not to win friends and influence people.
Deborah Meaden

[On someone who she believes is going to ruin their life.] The only way they are going to get the message is if I slap them around the face with it.
Deborah Meaden

You’ve got to tell people home truths…
Deborah Meaden

You have to stand up to bullies.
Deborah Meaden

[In 2007] I don’t know why I didn’t invest in iTeddy.
Deborah Meaden

I’m a business person first and I happen to be doing television.
Deborah Meaden

If you believe, they’ll believe.
Deborah Meaden

There is no point in speaking, unless you are convincing and can speak with conviction.
Deborah Meaden

Find the thing that you are passionate about…
Deborah Meaden

I’m not always nice, but I’m always fair.
Deborah Meaden

I believe it’s quite unkind to lead people to believe you should carry on with something that is going to fail.
Deborah Meaden

I don’t worry. My husband worries… I am just not a worrier. I just get on with it.
Deborah Meaden

You almost become genderless. I’m a Dragon…
Deborah Meaden

Take calculated risks – don’t gamble.
Deborah Meaden

There is always a way…
Deborah Meaden

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