Deepak Chopra Quotes

425 Deepak Chopra Quotes

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Choosing your own dharma determines completely how happy, successful, and loving you will be in your lifetime.
Deepak Chopra

Every time you are tempted to react I the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future. The past is closed and limited; the future is open and free.
Deepak Chopra

Spirit has a good outcome for any situation, if you can open yourself to it.
Deepak Chopra

This is just an experience. I’m here on earth to have experiences. Nothing is wrong.
Deepak Chopra

My higher self knows what is going on. This situation is for my benefit, even if I can’t see that now.
Deepak Chopra

My fears may come true, but the outcome will not destroy me. It may even be good. I’ll wait and see.
Deepak Chopra

I’m having a strong reaction now, but it isn’t the real me. It will pass.
Deepak Chopra

Whatever I’m afraid of losing is meant to go. I will be better off when new energies come in.
Deepak Chopra

Whatever fear says, nothing can destroy me. When people fall they don’t break, they bounce.
Deepak Chopra

Change is inevitable. Resisting change doesn’t work.
Deepak Chopra

There is something here for me, if I have the awareness to find it.
Deepak Chopra

The things I fear the most have already happened.
Deepak Chopra

I don’t want to hold on anymore. My purpose is to let go and welcome what is to come.
Deepak Chopra

Life is on my side.
Deepak Chopra

I am loved; therefore I am safe.
Deepak Chopra

Instead of resisting any emotion, the best way to dispel it is to enter it fully, embrace it, and see through your resistance.
Deepak Chopra

Instead of telling yourself your emotion is bad, ask it what it has to tell you.
Deepak Chopra

Instead of pushing an emotion away, tell it you want to have a closer look.
Deepak Chopra

If a feeling is overwhelming, say to yourself, ‘I want to ride this out first before I look at it.’
Deepak Chopra

If you recognise that certain situations always bring the same reaction, ask what you need to learn in order for that reaction to change.
Deepak Chopra

Whenever you find yourself drawing a line in the sand, stop doing it.
Deepak Chopra

As you begin to master the art of letting go, with patience, dedication, and love, your reality will change. It has no choice.
Deepak Chopra

Surrender is not achieved until you surrender completely to your beloved. To accomplish this you must relinquish everything that deprives you of love and nurture everything that comes from love.
Deepak Chopra

The ego is not easily defeated in its preoccupation with everything but love.
Deepak Chopra

Love allows your beloved the freedom to be unlike you.
Deepak Chopra

Love imposes no demands.
Deepak Chopra

Love expands beyond the limits of two people.
Deepak Chopra

Attachment is a form of dependency based on ego; love is nonattachment based on spirit.
Deepak Chopra

The more non-attached you are, the more you can truly love.
Deepak Chopra

Action that does not bind comes directly from love; all other action comes indirectly from the past.
Deepak Chopra

Struggling with karma will not free you from its binding influence. Freedom can only be achieved by remembering who you really are.
Deepak Chopra

Who you really are is unbounded spirit, beyond the reach of karma.
Deepak Chopra

Karma can never be simply a system of reward and punishment, since it is the way to love.
Deepak Chopra

Control increases fear by denying it exists.
Deepak Chopra

Whatever you most fear – abandonment, rejection, failure, loss, humiliation – has already occurred to you.
Deepak Chopra

Ego is needy, but spirit is not.
Deepak Chopra

When you heal separation, your needs will not reflect fear and insecurity.
Deepak Chopra

Inner need must be faced before you can feel secure.
Deepak Chopra

In the eyes of spirit you are always enough.
Deepak Chopra

Black holes are healed by filling them with spirit. Despite their terror, black holes are just lack of love.
Deepak Chopra

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