Donald Trump Quotes

500 Donald Trump Quotes

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[On spreading the flu or a cold] Some business executives believe in a firm handshake. I believe in no handshake… I wish we could follow the Japanese custom of bowing instead.
Donald Trump

Tony Robbins [Anthony Robbins] turned out to be a terrific guy… He is out to do good and help people.
Donald Trump

Be a good storyteller.
Donald Trump

Negative thinking stems from low self-esteem.
Donald Trump

Aim high. Plan for a takeoff. Don’t just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane…
Donald Trump

Show me someone with no ego and I’ll show you a big loser.
Donald Trump

Your mind can build castles – just make sure the foundations are in place first.
Donald Trump

We can learn from our mistakes, but it’s better to learn from our successes.
Donald Trump

Construction isn’t glamorous.
Donald Trump

You don’t start at the top. You start with the foundation…
Donald Trump

Most people want what’s best for themselves, not for you. If those people have already spent a great deal of effort on their homework, why should they share it with you?
Donald Trump

Never underestimate the power of awareness.
Donald Trump

No matter how defeated you may feel, you’ve still got a chance. But it won’t happen by itself. Get to work!
Donald Trump

I read books – usually biographies.
Donald Trump

I read as much as I can, but not as much as I’d like…
Donald Trump

The fact that sex sells is nothing new.
Donald Trump

You don’t have to be a typical anything.
Donald Trump

I know a lot of terrific-looking scoundrels and a lot of well-dressed bums.
Donald Trump

Be your own best financial adviser.
Donald Trump

Many people go out and hire financial advisers, but I have also seen a lot of those advisers destroy people.
Donald Trump

Trust your own common sense first.
Donald Trump

I’ve read many of Warren Buffett’s annual reports. In every case, what fascinates me is that he is able to reduce things to the simplest of terms.
Donald Trump

The wisest thing I can tell you is to invest only in products you understand…
Donald Trump

Sometimes the best investments are the ones you don’t make.
Donald Trump

A prenuptial agreement doesn’t mean that you won’t always love your spouse.
Donald Trump

We needed a bus to get Ivana’s lawyers to court.
Donald Trump

I have very high standards, but so do my kids.
Donald Trump

[On your children’s financial education] If they don’t learn about money from you, who’s going to teach them?
Donald Trump

If you have them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.
Donald Trump

Power is merely the ability to convince people to accept your ideas.
Donald Trump

Power is not just about calling all the shots. It’s about ability.
Donald Trump

Don’t expect people to believe your blarney simply because you’re good at delivering it.
Donald Trump

He who has the gold makes the rules.
Donald Trump

The best negotiators are chameleons.
Donald Trump

Money is not always the only consideration for exchange in the sale of an asset.
Donald Trump

A good negotiator must be flexible to be successful.
Donald Trump

If you’re careful about what you reveal, you’ll have more flexibility…
Donald Trump

I’m too busy to be devious.
Donald Trump

Know what you want… but keep it to yourself until a strategically necessary moment.
Donald Trump

In a good negotiation, all sides win.
Donald Trump

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