Eli Broad Quotes

112 Eli Broad Quotes

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Nothing sets me off more than being told I can’t do something.
Eli Broad

In love and in business, if you know what you want, you have to go for it.
Eli Broad

Work doesn’t have to be your life, but your life is your work.
Eli Broad

I am unreasonable.
Eli Broad

I believe that being unreasonable has been the key to my success.
Eli Broad

Being artfully unreasonable won’t necessarily make you a good team player, but it can make you a dramatically effective leader.
Eli Broad

The lessons I’ve taken to heart from nearly 60 years in business and philanthropy are ones I still use every day: ask lots of questions, pursue the untried, revise expectations upward, take risks, be restless, and most important, seek out the best in your work – the best deal, the best investment, the best people, the best causes, the best art – and the best in yourself.
Eli Broad

Children instinctively ask, ‘Why not?’… The questions you’ve willing to ask when others think they have all the answers are doors to discovery.
Eli Broad

Conventional wisdom strangles innovation.
Eli Broad

Even recessions can yield opportunity.
Eli Broad

Innovation is a permanent revolution.
Eli Broad

I’ve always been a salesman.
Eli Broad

Younger employees simply have fewer preconceived ideas of what they can and can’t do.
Eli Broad

Nothing wins people over like success.
Eli Broad

Everyone can be a philanthropist – not just the rich.
Eli Broad

To me, money is a means to do good.
Eli Broad

Part of the job of a leader is to get people to do more than they thought they could do.
Eli Broad

I try to set an example: I never ask people to do anything I wasn’t willing to do.
Eli Broad

We did a lot of things differently…
Eli Broad

You don’t want a bunch of robots running around.
Eli Broad

I’ve always asked questions…
Eli Broad

Do your homework no matter how much time it takes.
Eli Broad

It’s better to be respected than loved.
Eli Broad

Some of them have also called me crazy or nut. But they’ve all told me at some point that I was being unreasonable because my goals were unrealistic, my deadlines couldn’t be met, my ideas were far-fetched, or my approach trampled on the conventional wisdom. But I believe that being unreasonable has been the key to my success.
Eli Broad

Applying unreasonable thinking can help you achieve goals others may tell you are out of reach, just as it has for me.
Eli Broad

Over the past six decades I have had four careers: accounting, homebuilding, retirement savings, and philanthropy. I became the first person to build two Fortune 500 companies from the ground up in two different industries. The $6 billion I earned in business is now being used to help reform public education in America, assemble two world-class art collections and make them widely accessible, and provide critical start-up funding for cutting-edge biomedical research.
Eli Broad

All of my careers have demanded I meet people’s essential needs – helping them realize their dreams of homeownership and a secure retirement, educating their children, experiencing great art, and living a healthier life.
Eli Broad

Through my careers there has been one constant: a paperweight on my desk, a gift my wife, Edye, gave me some time after we were married in 1954… it’s inscription, a quote from George Bernard Shaw: ‘The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends upon the unreasonable man.
Eli Broad

I passed the CPA exam at age 20 on the first try – a test that took my boss and other higher-ups several tries to ace. As the youngest CPA in Michigan’s history, I started demanding a raise. My boss didn’t like that – or my refusal to drop the subject – and I was fired.
Eli Broad

I tried to get a job working at a homebuilder but was turned away for lack of experience. That’s when I asked myself, ‘Why not start my own homebuilding company?’
Eli Broad

A keen eye for numbers would be my competitive advantage.
Eli Broad

Research – and using what you learn from it to analyze every situation – is what separates being unreasonable from being irrational.
Eli Broad

I found people who started out calling me crazy were suddenly happy to be my partners.
Eli Broad

Victory, as the old saying goes, has many fathers. People will flock to support you when you do well, but in the crucial early moments, and whenever you try to create something out of nothing, you will be on a solitary path blocked by obstacles and doubt.
Eli Broad

I became ‘Eli Broad, rhymes with road.’… I liked my new name.
Eli Broad

My first business… began with ‘Why not?’
Eli Broad

There was no really good reason why not, why it couldn’t be me, as long as I had the idea and the money – and the follow-through.
Eli Broad

Too often, age and experience become an excuse for accepting the status quo without question. Instead of asking ‘Why not?’ you become overwhelmed with all the reasons something can’t be done.
Eli Broad

When ‘Why not?’ disappears from our vocabulary, we often need something to jar us – inspiration from teachers or friends, new places, new challenges.
Eli Broad

One of the things you’ll discover when you ask ‘Why not?’ is that life is richer when you live it among the dreamers.
Eli Broad

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