Fred Deluca Quotes

102 Fred Deluca Quotes (Subway Quotes, Fred DeLuca)

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You only fail if you quit.
Fred Deluca

Knowing less and actually doing something is far better than knowing everything and never doing anything at all.
Fred Deluca

I started Subway with $1,000.
Fred Deluca

We decided to just go ahead and do it.
Fred Deluca

[On founding Subway] I was not among the ‘poorest of the poor’ when I started my business. But I had no money at the time, no collateral, and no business savvy. I was a seventeen-year-old kid who needed to find a way to pay for his college education…
Fred Deluca

I focused on the short-term objective of getting a store open, and not the long-term goal of thirty-two stores in ten years.
Fred Deluca

Starting small is better than never starting at all!
Fred Deluca

Opportunity waits for no one.
Fred Deluca

Good or bad, breaks are what you make them.
Fred Deluca

People who give up ultimately have to go back and start all over again. Never give up!
Fred Deluca

You’ve got to say yes to something if you want to start and build a business.
Fred Deluca

[On reflecting thirty-five years later on him opening his first store as a 17 year old.] Taking action is a good quality and I’m glad we took that first location.
Fred Deluca

Until you do something concrete you haven’t really started.
Fred Deluca

Keep your expenses low, collect any money due you as soon as possible, and borrow money before you need to.
Fred Deluca

Brands are so powerful because of the power of the human mind. The memories of past experiences, the confidence in the product, the knowledge of what to expect, all become favourable impressions locked in the consumers’ minds.
Fred Deluca

I graduated from high school at age seventeen and had dreams of becoming a doctor. The problem was I couldn’t afford my dream; my job at the local hardware store paid minimum wag, a mere $1.25 an hour. For me, a college education seemed as farflung as the prospect of a man walking on the moon.
Fred Deluca

Franchise profitability is the most important mission of the franchisor!
Fred Deluca

Start small, finish big.
Fred Deluca

Never run out of money. Borrow before you need to.
Fred Deluca

Build a brand name.
Fred Deluca

Take the first bold step.
Fred Deluca

Start small. It’s better than never starting at all.
Fred Deluca

Earn a few pennies. It’s good practice before you earn those dollars.
Fred Deluca

Begin with an idea. There’s probably a good one right under your nose.
Fred Deluca

Think like a visionary. Always look for the big picture.
Fred Deluca

Keep the faith. Believe in yourself and your business, even when others don’t.
Fred Deluca

Profit or perish. Increase sales, decrease costs. Anything less and your business will perish.
Fred Deluca

Be positive. The school of hard knocks will beat you down, but not if you keep a positive attitude.
Fred Deluca

Continuously improve your business. It’s the best way to attract customers, and generate sales and profit.
Fred Deluca

Believe in your people. Or they may get even with you!
Fred Deluca

Never run out of money. It’s the most important lesson in business.
Fred Deluca

Attract new customers every day. Awareness, trial, and usage work every time.
Fred Deluca

Be persistent: Don’t give up! You only fail if you quit.
Fred Deluca

Opportunity waits for no one. Good or bad, breaks are what you make them.
Fred Deluca

Success wasn’t an overnight phenomenon…
Fred Deluca

You, too, may be able to start small and finish big.
Fred Deluca

At any given moment in the world millions of people are thinking about starting a business… For most of these millions of people, starting a business will remain merely a dream, locked in the depths of their hearts and minds…
Fred Deluca

Millions of people are thinking about starting a business… An exciting next step. If only they can get started.
Fred Deluca

Unfortunately, few take the first bold step to actually start a business. Few can muster the energy and commitment to begin…
Fred Deluca

[On the biggest reasons many don’t start a business] More often than not, they never start because a family member or friends told them they couldn’t do it…
Fred Deluca

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