George Washington Carver Quotes

156 George Washington Carver Quotes

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My body was very feeble and it was a constant warfare between life and death to see who would gain the mastery.
George Washington Carver

In a strange land among a strange people.
George Washington Carver

You doubtless know that I came here solely for the benefit of my people, no other motive in view.
George Washington Carver

I do not expect to teach many years, but I will quit as soon as I can trust my work to others, and engage in my brush work, which will be of great honor to our people.
George Washington Carver

An orphan of a race that is considered inferior from every angle.
George Washington Carver

I was even accused to my face (by a teacher of higher authority) as going crazy.
George Washington Carver

More bushels of sweet potatoes can be raised per acre than any other farm crop, with less injury to the soil.
George Washington Carver

Nobody had two-horse plow. I asked for one and they thought I had lost every bit of gray matter I had.
George Washington Carver

Pellagra is alarmingly on the increase, and that is due largely to an unbalanced ration; or, in other words, there is not variety enough in the diet; and that this terrible disease may be prevented and many cases cured by eating properly.
George Washington Carver

A sick, worried, rest-broken person cannot do his best either in the quantity or quality of the services he attempts to render.
George Washington Carver

Strike at the very root of the trouble, which is poor food.
George Washington Carver

There is doubtless no plant more interesting to the casual observer, or more useful economically and more wonderful to the searcher for truth than the cotton plant.
George Washington Carver

[On the Mexican Boll Weevil] While it is true that the above insect is not in this country, it is nevertheless in the state, and is moving this way rapidly; so therefore we think it wise to call attention to the best methods of control to date. The best methods: The rotation of crops and the use of legumes, peas, beans, vetches etc.
George Washington Carver

[On ornamental plants] Every park and dooryard should contain just as many of these lovely native trees, vines, shrubs etc as fancy and good taste suggest.
George Washington Carver

The gentle, refined, cultured, self sacrificing Negroes she sees but little of because they do not make themselves conspicuous.
George Washington Carver

God gave you to me… And oh how I think him for you, you came to me when I needed you most.
George Washington Carver

God alone knows what I have suffered, in trying to do as best I could the job he has given me in trust to do, most of the time I had to work without the sympathy or support of those with whom I associated.
George Washington Carver

I come from Tuskegee, Alabama. I am engaged in agricultural research work, and I have given some attention to the peanut, but not as much as I expect to give.
George Washington Carver

The peanut and the sweet potato are twin brothers and cannot and should not be separated. They are two of the greatest products that God has ever given us.
George Washington Carver

If all of the other foodstuffs were destroyed – that is, vegetable foodstuffs destroyed – a perfectly balanced ration with all of the nutriment in it could be made with the sweet potato and the peanut.
George Washington Carver

I feel so happy that I know you, and can talk frankly to you as I do and that you do not consider my letters silly and foolish as they sound to me.
George Washington Carver

O if you could right not step into ‘God’s little Work Shop’ and see what he has permitted me to do, and it’s effect upon the South, you would marvel.
George Washington Carver

Somedays I do not do a thing during the entire day but entertain visitors. Ministers are coming as well as educators, five schools with their pupils have been here this year.
George Washington Carver

Are we starving in the midst of plenty?
George Washington Carver

Day after day I spent in the woods alone in order to collect my beauties [Plant specimens.].
George Washington Carver

Many are the tears I have shed because I would break the roots or flower of some of my pets while removing them from the ground.
George Washington Carver

All sorts of vegetation succeed to thrive under my touch until, I was styled the plant doctor, and plants from all over the country would be brought to me for treatment. At this time I had never heard of botany and could scarcely read.
George Washington Carver

Mr and Mrs Carver were perfectly willing for us to go where we could be educated the same as white children.
George Washington Carver

This old notion of swallowing down other peoples’ ideas and problems just as they have worked them out without putting our brain and originality into it and making them applicable to our specific needs must go, and the sooner we let them go, the sooner we will be a free and independent people.
George Washington Carver

You, of course will never know how much you have done for a poor colored boy who was drifting here and there as a ship without a rudder.
George Washington Carver

I think I shall not be here much longer… The school has not kept its promises with me and I do not think will… I think I have parlayed with them about long enough.
George Washington Carver

Glad you liked the story in the American, cut it down 75% and you will get at just about what is right.
George Washington Carver

[On Prof H. Wallace] He was a born teacher; a man too big in heart, mind and soul to be little in any particular. He, like all of my teachers will never know how much he enthused and inspired me, as a student.
George Washington Carver

[On Prof D.A. Kent] I would like to see the student with any brains who did not love Prof Kent, indeed he was not only a good teacher but fatherly and made you feel so perfectly at home in his presence.
George Washington Carver

You may be surprised to know that I wore the suit you fooled me into the store and bought for me while in school. I wore it to a banquet, suit, hat and gloves, the people thought it new.
George Washington Carver

The prefix ‘Dr’ as attached to my name is a misnomer. I have no such degree.
George Washington Carver

I wish so much that something could be done at once for him as it is very embarrassing for him to be in this disabled condition and have these bills presented him without anything with which to pay them.
George Washington Carver

I have seen so many students, (old young men) who had let the ‘tons’ of worry of which you so aptly speak weigh them down and make them look old, act old and feel old.
George Washington Carver

I wish he knew how much he helped a poor struggling colored boy.
George Washington Carver

[On Dr Stalker] I never found him to busy or too tired to talk with and advise me. He was a man of rare attainments; artistic in temperament; a great student of nature, and a man whose very presence was inspiring and uplifting.
George Washington Carver

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