George Washington Carver Quotes

156 George Washington Carver Quotes

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A weed is a flower growing in the wrong place.
George Washington Carver

How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because someday in your life you will have been all of these.
George Washington Carver

Even if the child does not become an agriculturalist, or a farmer, these things all have a tendency to make the child think, and that is what we are trying to teach him – to think.
George Washington Carver

No individual has any right to come into the world and go out of it without living behind him distinct and legitimate reasons for having passed through it.
George Washington Carver

Slavery was a hard and terrible school.
George Washington Carver

The primary idea in all my work was to help the farmer and fill the poor man’s empty dinner pail… My idea is to help the ‘man farthest down’, this is why I have made every process just as simple as I could to put it within his reach.
George Washington Carver

I am more interested in the ideas expressed than the mechanics of writing.
George Washington Carver

From a child I had an inordinate desire for knowledge.
George Washington Carver

To those who already love nature, I need only to say, pursue its truths with a new zest, and give to the world the value of the answers to the many questions you have asked the greatest of all teachers – Mother Nature.
George Washington Carver

My work is that of conservation.
George Washington Carver

Nature study is agriculture, and agriculture is nature study – if properly taught.
George Washington Carver

Conservation is one of our big problems... You can't tear up everything just to get the dollar out of it without suffering as result. It is a travesty to burn our woods and thereby burn up the fertilizer nature has provided for us. We must enrich our soil every year instead of merely depleting it. It is fundamental that nature will drive away those who commit sin against it.
George Washington Carver

Here is a bottle of milk that is extracted from peanuts. Now, it is absolutely impossible to tell that milk from cow’s milk in looks and general appearance. This is normal milk. …
George Washington Carver

It takes the cow twenty-four hours to make milk. I can make from peanuts better, cleaner and more healthful milk in five minutes. The cow simply takes out of the food she eats what is soluble. Which is the cleaner process, that of grinding, moistening, heating, and filtering in a machine or pan, or passing cereals, vegetables or the vegetable matter a cow east through her stomach?
George Washington Carver

The more my ideas develop, the more beautiful and grand seems the plan I have laid out to pursue, or rather the one God has destined for me… And let us hope that in the mysterious ways of the Lord, he will bring about these things we all so much hope for… Let us pray that the Lord will completely guide us in all things, and that we may gladly be led by him.
George Washington Carver

It is not the style of clothes one wears, neither the kind of automobiles one drives, nor the amount of money one has in the bank, that counts. These mean nothing. It is simply service that measures success. It is not the style of clothes one wears, neither the kind of automobile one drives, nor the amount of money one has in the bank, that counts. These mean nothing. It is simply service that measures success.
George Washington Carver

[On reading his biography written by Rackham Holt] It was the most fascinating piece of writing that I have read. I started in and I confess I could not lay it down until I had finished it.
George Washington Carver

There are some things an orphan child does not want to remember.
George Washington Carver

[On Prof L. H. Pammel] The one who helped and inspired me to do original work more than anyone else.
George Washington Carver

[On a bank failing in the mid 1930’s and costing him $30,000 in deposits.] No, I am not worrying about it. Just disgusted, with the hope that I will get at least some of it by and by.
George Washington Carver

Very, very few people realized how far down I was, as I kept going when many people would have been in hospital.
George Washington Carver

Physically I have been in much worse condition than most people imagine. Because they saw me moving around a little daily, they said ‘Oh, he is all right’, and they gave out that information.
George Washington Carver

I am not complaining by any means as it has leaked out now very definitely that I was not expected to come out of the hospital alive, and it has surprised everyone, even the physicians…
George Washington Carver

I love those creative minds that are destined to make a mark in the world.
George Washington Carver

I would never allow anyone to give me money no difference how badly I needed it. I wanted literally to earn my living.
George Washington Carver

I am anxious for you to see this little book because it is to be put into their schools, for the information of the white boys and girls down here who seem to know so little about many types of colored people.
George Washington Carver

It will be very difficult indeed as there are so many things that naturally I erased from my mind.
George Washington Carver

It seems to me like anything I would write would fall so short of the beautiful way that you put things that it would detract from it rather than add anything and then to me it is so refreshing to get just what people of real worth say. Not to please me however, but the real estimate of worth.
George Washington Carver

I believe that your writings would have so much more weight and if you know how impossible it is for me to write anything about myself because the more I attempt to write about myself the worse it gets and after while I get so disgusted with it that I just throw it away.
George Washington Carver

I am not an authority on book writing or salesmanship either.
George Washington Carver

Mr Polk, let me tell you something. Every opportunity you get, you take my picture because when I’m dead folks are going to want them.
George Washington Carver

I have the name unjustly of having one of the broadest minds in school.
George Washington Carver

You do me too much credit. I am not so good. I am just trying, through Christ, to be a better man each day. You spirit helps me so much. It is what my very soul has thirsted for all these years, a spirit that God likewise was developing to perform a great service to humanity, such as he is developing in you…
George Washington Carver

I fear as elaborately as the Doubleday Doran people are illustrating their’s the price will be beyond the poorer people. Nevertheless, if that is what they want, they are the publishers and putting their money into it so they know much more in five minutes than I would in five years because I am not a publisher, and they are…
George Washington Carver

I think if we wait awhile prices will drop to normal and we will be able to get it for almost 1/3 of the amount in fact I believe some publishers later will take it on a royalty basis.
George Washington Carver

[On writing a biography about George] When I pass from earth to my reward there will be a great demand for such a book, and it will be a source of revenue for you, possibly in your declining years.
George Washington Carver

It is impossibly for me to tell you how astonished I was yesterday to get a copy of the November issue of Junior Red Cross Journal bearing the illuminating article on ‘The Sage of Tuskegee.’ As I read it a number of times I became so interested that I forgot that it was about myself. In fact, the story is so beautifully and interestingly written it is hard for me to believe that it is about me. I lose that part of it.
George Washington Carver

You are right to be impressed with what I have accomplished, but if you only knew the odds against which I struggled, you would be astounded.
George Washington Carver

[Asked one of his students Harwick] ‘Professor Carver, just what did you mean when you said you wanted me to be one of your boys?’ In my work I meet many young people who are seeking truth. God has given me some knowledge. When they will let me, I try to pass it on to my boys.
George Washington Carver

My idea is to help the ‘man farthest down’.
George Washington Carver

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