Gina Rinehart Quotes

120 Gina Rinehart Quotes

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It was a very close family life. I meant, you know, there really wasn’t anyone else apart from your family. The times that we’d return to the homestead, yeah they were great.
Gina Rinehart

The absolute joy as you'd be approaching the Pilbara and so dad and I would be singing the, singing in the airplane and carrying on, so yes we both really enjoyed returning up here.
Gina Rinehart

What I’d like to do is take you up onto the top of the deposit and show you a spot that we all call Breakfast Tree. The reason it's called Breakfast Tree is that this is where we have breakfast…
Gina Rinehart

My father and I when he brought the first land exploration party to what is now the Hope Downs deposit and going back 30 odd years ago when I was about 14. My father chose to name this deposit and in fact a series of deposits after my mother, Hope Hancock.
Gina Rinehart

[On her father naming their major project after her mother] I'm very pleased of course that he did so. It certainly has turned into the most major project for our company and so I think it's very fitting that it is, has been called after my mother.
Gina Rinehart

My mother’s side of the family were also pioneers. She came from a very close and a very loving family, they just adored each other.
Gina Rinehart

My mother was certainly the most wonderful mother and grandmother and unfortunately she suffered from something that I absolutely hate and it's cancer.
Gina Rinehart

Cancer can be something that you have those respites from in between, so yes she'd had cancer since I was, I guess about one, aged one and that’s why I had to spend much of my time in boarding school.
Gina Rinehart

When I first went to work for my father, I was very junior, where I certainly didn’t seeing him as being what could be termed a rich and a powerful man, no I didn’t see him in that light at all.
Gina Rinehart

[On how it felt to know that all that iron ore lying in the ground would some day be her’s in 1975] Bloody good.
Gina Rinehart

[On her father Lang Hancock] He certainly taught me a lot of things, which I’m very grateful for. He had a lot of drive and so I guess people could say that was being a rogue but he had immense internal drive.
Gina Rinehart

Then premier Joh Bjelke-Petersen will talk to you about the proposed West Australian to Queensland rail link.
Gina Rinehart

We did for dad’s birthday the Wakeup Australia Flight, which the media, some of them didn’t like because they saw that as far too right wing and they were grizzling and saying things like, or the ABC was anyway, that oh my god, this airplane, it even flies in the, you know, in a right wing direction, I mean it does these right wing turns.
Gina Rinehart

[In 1975] On the self-governing side I’d say because I’m very much a secessionist.
Gina Rinehart

I’m not currently running a secession program but I think, you know, Canberra always needs to know that if you don’t treat us right, there's WA people over here that'd love to secede.
Gina Rinehart

I was delighted when John Grey Gorton came over to Perth for my 21st and he gave a lovely speech.
Gina Rinehart

I was married firstly when I was quite young and about when I was 18 or 19 and then afterwards I was divorced and then I remarried. My husband, Frank Rinehart was a very private person.
Gina Rinehart

[On meeting her husband Frank Rinehart] I feel that I could tell you that we did meet through Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen.
Gina Rinehart

My mother absolutely adored my husband and my husband thought my mother was absolutely wonderful. They truly adored each other.
Gina Rinehart

[On her father’s opinion of her marrying Frank Rinehart] My father, however, I suspect he didn’t want to have my time diverted away from the company, he wasn’t quite so keen. When my mother did pass away and my father was absolutely devastated he couldn’t have had a better friend than my mother and you know he was you know rightly very, very devastated.
Gina Rinehart

I didn’t find out that my father had married Rose until after they were married.
Gina Rinehart

[On her father marrying Rose Porteous] I was told after the event. I certainly didn’t think my father would have any long term association with her.
Gina Rinehart

I did go to America with the children but we went there all the time, you know, we'd stroll to and fro between America and Australia. I didn’t leave and not see him [her father] again.
Gina Rinehart

I was always concerned about my father and I don’t know what else I can say my reaction was but I was certainly concerned for dad. I wanted somebody in his life that, you know, would love him and would be a very good trustworthy friend and companion for him.
Gina Rinehart

In approximately October of 1985, my father did decide to remove me as a director of the company. I don't think it was so much being overseas that was effecting dad’s and my relationship, it was more the fact that, well there were two things, it was more the fact I was very concerned about the way the company was heading. He was hearing from me my concerns about company funds being removed from the company and it wasn’t until 1991 that he reinstated me as a director.
Gina Rinehart

I think that really the less I say about Rose [Porteous] the better.
Gina Rinehart

I don’t have a relationship… with Rose at all.
Gina Rinehart

What I’m sad about is the difficulties my father went through. In 1987 he did confide in me about not being happy and how difficult his life was and he told me that I had no real understanding and I think that’s right.
Gina Rinehart

In 1987 he in fact wrote some very unusual clauses in his wills and that is that if his wife had had anything to do with hastening his death that she be disinherited. Now there was not just one will like this but there was apparently a number of them.
Gina Rinehart

[On her father’s strange clauses in his will] Now I wasn’t aware of this until late last year. I’ve been accused of pressuring my father to get him to write such a will. I had no knowledge that he wrote such a will and in fact a series of such wills until, you know, late last year.
Gina Rinehart

You know the sad part is that I was only there, properly there in the last few months and I saw that dad had very few people around him he could trust.
Gina Rinehart

I'll never forget a Wednesday morning that I, after dropping my children at school, you know, I walked in to see dad and he looked terrible. He had, his brow was very deeply lined and the whole brow was sort of skewiff, you know, it was just contorted and, you know, he’s just laying in bed as though he is absolutely exhausted. And, although I wasn’t there the previous night, there’d apparently been an awful row the previous night and, you know, dad said me, to me words that you know I’m simply never going to forget either and the words that you know dad said to me is "Rose nearly killed me last night". Dad was very ill at the time and couldn’t cope with the stress of arguments. We decided that we’d ask dad well what did he want us to do, you know how could we help.
Gina Rinehart

[On a restraining order being obtain by her father from Rose Porteous] Eventually a restraining order was granted and this gave dad a lot of relief.
Gina Rinehart

The best friends I’ve had in my life have been my mother and my father and my husband, you know I’ve certainly been privileged having each of them as people that I’ve known.
Gina Rinehart

In my father’s will, although there was a mention of a heart foundation, there was absolutely nothing left in his estate for such a foundation and so what I’ve done is I've started a medical foundation and later on a breast cancer foundation.
Gina Rinehart

[On the breast cancer foundation she set up] One of the nicer things about the breast cancer foundation is some of the people who have helped. You know it’s just so lovely to find people who will give up time on their weekends, I mean those sorts of people I think are wonderful.
Gina Rinehart

When I did take over the company, it was in so many difficulties and we were putting out bushfires left, right and centre so it’s good that we have been able to make some progress in the last few years. You know we're basically looking ahead, although there are still these wretched legal things going on.
Gina Rinehart

Dad very rarely gave me any form of compliment but in the last few months he told me that I was like his own father, George Hancock. Dad told me that I had the same strengths as his father…
Gina Rinehart

I think anybody who’s been raised in the Pilbara as much of my early life I was, it does get inside you, you know. One thing my father did for me when I was 16, is he took me on a compulsory tour of certain mines around Australia so I thought aha, I’m going to learn from that…
Gina Rinehart

Beauty is not neat squares of green land, or paintings, or jewellery or artefacts, or Paris boutiques. Beauty is the weird, uncapturable colours of the Pilbara. Beauty is ideas – the ideas of what we can do with the vast wilderness by mining it. Beauty is an iron mine.
Gina Rinehart

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