Jesse Livermore Quotes

226 Jesse Livermore Quotes

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Without faith in his own judgement no man can go very far in this game.
Jesse Livermore

I have learned to study general conditions, to take a position and stick to it.
Jesse Livermore

It is the big swing that makes the big money for you.
Jesse Livermore

It wasn’t anything to be proud of, when you think that I had been broke three times in less than two years. And as I told you, being broke is a very efficient educational agency.
Jesse Livermore

I found when I got my reports that Ed Harding’s kindly intentioned interference cost me forty thousand dollars. A low price for a man to pay for not having the courage of his own convictions! It was a cheap lesson.
Jesse Livermore

I never hesitate to tell a man that I am bullish or bearish. But I do not tell people to buy or sell any particular stock. In a bear market all stocks go down and in a bull market they go up.
Jesse Livermore

But the average man doesn’t wish to be told that it is a bull or bear market. What he desires is to be told specifically which particular stock to buy or sell. He wants to get something for nothing. He does not wish to work. He doesn’t even wish to have to think. It is too much bother to have to count the money that he picks up from the ground.
Jesse Livermore

People don’t seem to grasp easily the fundamentals of stock trading. I have often said, that to buy on a rising market is the most comfortable way of buying stocks. Now, the point is not so much to buy as cheap as possible or go short at top prices, but to buy or sell at the right time. When I am bearish and I sell a stock, each sale must be at a lower level than the previous sale. When I am buying the reverse is true. I must buy on a rising scale. I don’t buy long stock on a scale down I buy on a scale up.
Jesse Livermore

I never want to buy stocks too cheap or too easily.
Jesse Livermore

When it comes to selling stocks, it is plain that nobody can sell unless somebody wants those stocks.
Jesse Livermore

You can’t expect the market to absorb fifty thousand shares of stock as easily as it does one hundred.
Jesse Livermore

He has to sell, when he can, not when he wants to.
Jesse Livermore

It is no trick to tell when the market can take what you give it.
Jesse Livermore

Remember that stocks are never too high for you to begin buying or too low to begin selling.
Jesse Livermore

Suppose a man’s line is five hundred shares of stock. I say that he ought not to buy it all at once; not if he is speculating. If he is merely gambling the only advice I have to give him is, don’t!
Jesse Livermore

I do not allow my possessions – or my prepossessions either – to do any thinking for me.
Jesse Livermore

I never argue with the tape.
Jesse Livermore

To be angry at the market because it unexpectedly or even illogically goes against you is like getting mad at your lungs because you have pneumonia.
Jesse Livermore

A great deal of money used to be made periodically by insiders in the old days out of the shorts and their carefully fostered fears of corners and squeezes.
Jesse Livermore

Obviously the thing to do was to be bullish in a bull market and bearish in a bear market.
Jesse Livermore

A customer who makes money is an asset to any brokers office.
Jesse Livermore

For years I had been the victim of an unfortunate combination of inexperience, youth and insufficient capital.
Jesse Livermore

Since we undoubtedly were entering a genuine bear market I was sure I should make the biggest killing of my career.
Jesse Livermore

One day it looked as if not a bear would be left to tell the tale of the strictly genuine bear market. I couldn’t stand the gaff. I covered. It was just as well. If I hadn’t I wouldn’t have had enough left to buy a post card.
Jesse Livermore

I lost most of my fur, but it was better to live to fight another day.
Jesse Livermore

I was bearish in a bear market. That was wise. I had sold stocks short. That was proper. I had sold them too soon. That was costly.
Jesse Livermore

I have always found it profitable to study my mistakes.
Jesse Livermore

I came to learn that even when one is properly bearish at the very beginning of a bear market it is well not to begin selling in bulk until there is no danger of the engine back-firing.
Jesse Livermore

The succession of spankings I had received made me less aggressively cocksure; perhaps I should say less careless…
Jesse Livermore

If a man didn’t make mistakes, he’d own the world in a month. But if he didn’t profit by his mistakes he wouldn’t own a blessed thing.
Jesse Livermore

The longer the delay starting, the sharper the break will be when it does start.
Jesse Livermore

The public, with their eyes fixed on the stock market, saw little – that week. The wise stock operators saw much – that year. That was the difference.
Jesse Livermore

This time I was cold-bloodly right, not because of a hunch or from skilful reading of the tape, but as the result of my analysis of conditions affecting the stock market in general. I wasn’t guessing. I was anticipating the inevitable.
Jesse Livermore

First they sink to the bottom. Then they come up; but not right away. They’ve got to be good and dead a couple of days. It isn’t time for these corpses to rise to the surface. They are not quite dead yet.
Jesse Livermore

I have to do my own seeing and my own thinking.
Jesse Livermore

The inexorable logic of events was making money for me.
Jesse Livermore

The thing was to be right; to know it and to act accordingly.
Jesse Livermore

I had made a good bit, but the reason I cleaned up was that I figured that the decline had discounted the immediate future. I looked for a fair recovery, but I wasn’t bullish enough to play for a turn. I wasn’t going to lose my position entirely.
Jesse Livermore

Of course people always magnify a fellow’s winnings and the size of the line he swings.
Jesse Livermore

It was an old trading theory of mine that when a stock crosses 100 or 200 or 300 for the first time the price does not stop at the even figure but goes a good deal higher, so that if you buy it as soon as it crosses the line it is almost certain to show you a profit.
Jesse Livermore

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