Jim Rohn Quotes

620 Jim Rohn Quotes

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The formula for success is easy to follow: ‘A few simple disciplines practised every day’.
Jim Rohn

We cannot allow ourselves the luxury of indulging any error day in and day out.
Jim Rohn

All disciplines affect each other. Every new discipline affects all of our other disciplines. Every new discipline that we impose on ourselves will affect the rest of our personal performance in a positive way.
Jim Rohn

The key is to keep looking for every small discipline we can find that will cause us to refine our thinking, amend our errors and improve our results. We must continue looking for even the most insignificant of those errors in judgement that could be converted into a new discipline. Once the discipline cycle is started, our efforts will begin to feel the effect, leaving tangible rewards in their wake as they make a hasty retreat.
Jim Rohn

With the right attitude human beings can move mountains. With the wrong attitude they can be crushed by the smallest grain of sand.
Jim Rohn

Having the right attitude is an essential prerequisite for success and happiness. The right attitude is one of the fundamentals of the good life. That is why we must constantly examine our feelings about our role in the world and about our possibilities for achieving our dreams.
Jim Rohn

The more excited we become by our future dreams, the easier it is to develop the necessary disciplines and make the refinements to our philosophy.
Jim Rohn

How we see ourselves is a matter of choice, not circumstances, and the major determining factor in how we feel about ourselves lies in our personal philosophy.
Jim Rohn

The people with whom we choose to associate are a major source of what we know and how we feel.
Jim Rohn

Reasons come first and answers come second. When the human mind locks onto a personal obsession it does not need a book of instructions or a training class on how to take advantage of opportunity.
Jim Rohn

In the world of opportunity mixed with challenge, there are those who want to know so that they might see, and there are those who think they see even though they do not yet know.
Jim Rohn

It is the student who must seek out the teacher, for rarely does a good idea interrupt us. Success moves toward those who search for progress, not toward those who need or want it’s rewards.
Jim Rohn

Whatever life has handed to us, whether it is one talent or a hundred, it is our responsibility to do something with what we have been given.
Jim Rohn

Convert knowledge and good feelings into activity.
Jim Rohn

We must find ways to demonstrate on the outside all of the value that we possess on the inside – otherwise, our values will remain unappreciated and our talents unrewarded.
Jim Rohn

Every time we choose to do less than we could, this error in judgement has an effect on our self-confidence. Repeated everyday we soon find ourselves not only doing less than we should, but also being less than we could.
Jim Rohn

Many of the answers take time to discover.
Jim Rohn

We must discipline ourselves to convert dreams into plans, and plans into goals, and goals into those small daily activities that will lead us, one step at a time, toward a better future. Finally, we must use the power of our imagination.
Jim Rohn

Everything we have acquired is a result of past efforts and past thoughts.
Jim Rohn

For things to change, we must change … that is one of life’s fundamentals.
Jim Rohn

Our objective must be to work harder on ourselves, than we work on anything else.
Jim Rohn

Those who efforts have produced a poor result often have a lengthy list of reasons to justify their poor progress. Reasons = Excuses.
Jim Rohn

If our want to is strong enough, then we will be driven to seek solutions. As we invoke the power of creativity and intensify our efforts to conquer each new problem, we actually speed up our progress.
Jim Rohn

It is not what happens that determines the quality of our lives, it is what we choose to do about what happens.
Jim Rohn

Sometimes the best prescription for a poor attitude is activity.
Jim Rohn

Many have learned to earn well, but they have not yet learned to live well. It is as though they have decided to wait until they become wealthy before they start practicing sophistication. What they fail to understand is that practiced sophistication is as much a cause of wealth as it is a result of wealth. Until they have discovered that happiness is part of the cause and that wealth is merely an effect, their circumstances are not likely to change.
Jim Rohn

Lifestyle is a reflection of our attitude and our values.
Jim Rohn

Lifestyle is really nothing more than the art of doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.
Jim Rohn

We can all afford to live better. It doesn’t take more money to change how we live. It takes more deliberate thought and a greater appreciation of the real values in life.
Jim Rohn

Happiness is an art, not an accident. It is not something that falls out of the sky.
Jim Rohn

Learn to be happy with what you have while you strive for what you want.
Jim Rohn

Each of us can design our own life happiness.
Jim Rohn

If we cannot learn to be happy with what we have right now, then we will never be happy no matter how much good fortune comes our way.
Jim Rohn

We must not let the years, and the chances, and the small opportunities for creating moments of joy slip away. If we continue to wait until we have the resources to do the big things before we master the art of experiencing all that life currently has to offer, then we may find that we have waited too long.
Jim Rohn

We must challenge ourselves right now with a new level of thinking, and drive ourselves to a new level of achievement.
Jim Rohn

We must impose upon ourselves a new discipline, and develop a new attitude about life that motivates us and inspires others.
Jim Rohn

You must learn to translate wisdom and strong feelings into labor.
Jim Rohn

The miracle of the seed and the soil is not available by affirmation; it is only available by labor.
Jim Rohn

Make rest a necessity, not an objective. Only rest long enough to gather strength.
Jim Rohn

Without constant activity, the threats of life will soon overwhelm the values.
Jim Rohn

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