Jim Rohn Quotes

620 Jim Rohn Quotes

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Days are expensive. When you spend a day, you have one less day to spend. So make sure you spend each one wisely.
Jim Rohn

Sometimes you need to stay in touch but be out of reach.
Jim Rohn

Very few of us are authorities on the truth. About the closest that any of us can get is what we hope is the truth or what we think is the truth. That's why the best approach to truth is probably to say, "It seems to me..."
Jim Rohn

There is nothing wrong with affirmations, provided what you are affirming is the truth. If you are broke, for example, the best thing to affirm is, 'I’m broke!"
Jim Rohn

If the truth 'isn't enough, then you must become stronger at presenting it.
Jim Rohn

Sincerity is not a test of truth. We must not make this mistake: He must be right; he's so sincere. It is possible to be sincerely wrong. We can only judge truth by truth and sincerity by sincerity.
Jim Rohn

Find someone who is willing to share the truth with you.
Jim Rohn

Count the cost first. Don't pay too big a price for pursuing minor values.
Jim Rohn

The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become. That is why I wish to pay fair price for every value. If I have to pay for it or earn it, that makes something of me. If I get it for free, that makes nothing of me.
Jim Rohn

All values must be won by contest, and after they have been won, they must be defended.
Jim Rohn

Don't sell out your virtue and your value for something you think you want. Judas got the money, but he threw it all away and hung himself because he was so unhappy with himself.
Jim Rohn

Values were meant to be costly. If it doesn't cost much, we probably wouldn't appreciate the value.
Jim Rohn

The two great words of antiquity are behold and beware.
Jim Rohn

Vocabulary enables us to interpret and to express. If you have a limited vocabulary, you will also have a limited vision and a limited future.
Jim Rohn

Well chosen words mixed with measured emotions is the basis of affecting people.
Jim Rohn

It's okay to send flowers, but don't let flowers do all the talking. Flowers have a limited vocabulary. About the best flowers can say is that you remembered.
Jim Rohn

Words do two major things: They provide food for the mind and create light for understanding and awareness.
Jim Rohn

All of us, whether rich or poor, young or old, educated or not so educated, are the sum total of all of those people and events that have touched us since first entering this world. Every thought we’ve entertained has had its effect upon what we now are.
Jim Rohn

What we are and what we have, we have slowly brought upon ourselves.
Jim Rohn

What is of great importance is who and what it is that leaves its mark today, and each day thereafter. What we have been is an established and unchangeable fact. What we can yet become is an unlimited, boundless opportunity.
Jim Rohn

It is essential that each of us find what we were meant to do if true happiness is to be found.
Jim Rohn

We tend to accumulate and cling to ideas that limit our progress.
Jim Rohn

Eating alone if better than mingling with those who conversation is negative.
Jim Rohn

The improvement of our personal circumstances means that we must learn to do what the failures are simply not willing to do.
Jim Rohn

A major challenge in life is for each person to learn the art of standing guard at the doorway of their mind. Carefully examine the credentials and authority of those seeking to enter within that place where your attitudes are formed.
Jim Rohn

A sour face does not come as an accident. It is the result of sour thoughts.
Jim Rohn

The only limitation placed on our abilities is our inability to easily recognise our unlimited nature. It takes effort to become aware of our staggering and limitless abilities.
Jim Rohn

By our own attitude we and we alone actually decide whether to succeed or fail.
Jim Rohn

Attitude determines choice, and choice determines results.
Jim Rohn

Springtime will not admonish you to plant, nor will it warn of the consequences of not planting.
Jim Rohn

Exercise the discipline to plant in spite of the rocks, weeds or other obstacles before us. The rocks, weeds, and thorns of the world cannot destroy all your seeds if you plant massively enough and intelligently enough.
Jim Rohn

The pain of discipline weighs ounces, and the pain of regret tons.
Jim Rohn

We must either plant during the springtime of life, or beg from others during the fall.
Jim Rohn

The price, or effort of thinking thoughts of love, prosperity, or self-confidence is no greater than the price given to thoughts of hate, poverty, or self-doubt. Only the rewards are different.
Jim Rohn

To neglect the opportunity given to us this day is to delay our better future.
Jim Rohn

Progress in any form and happiness or success in any form requires constant effort, for obstacles exist that might discourage the weak and the undeserving.
Jim Rohn

Life is designed to be a story of achievement in spite of adversity, not in the absence of adversity, for without adversity achievement could not exist.
Jim Rohn

Smile at adversity, and act quickly to eliminate it. Expect adversity, for it shall surely appear. Be grateful for adversity, for it forces the human spirit to grow – for surely, the human character is formed not in the absence of difficulty but in our response to difficulty.
Jim Rohn

All things, even adversity, have their worthy purpose.
Jim Rohn

The harvest which is our life as we now live it, is the result of seeds planted at an earlier time. Some of the seeds we planted ourselves, through unbreakable habits.
Jim Rohn

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