John Izzo Quotes

100 John Izzo Quotes (John B Izzo Quotes)

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We do not have to wait until we are old to become wise.
John Izzo

If you want to know the secret to a happy life, ask someone who has lived one.
John Izzo

Knowledge doubles every six months, but wisdom is in short supply.
John Izzo

Knowledge is the accumulation of facts, whereas wisdom is the ability to discern what matters and what does not matter.
John Izzo

Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you’d have preferred to talk.
John Izzo

Don’t force your children to follow your dream.
John Izzo

Wise people take time out to reflect on their lives.
John Izzo

The happiest people had come to peace with their lives, whereas unhappy people dwelled on regret and missed opportunities.
John Izzo

They had to move toward something they wanted in spite of fear.
John Izzo

Most people said they had not taken enough risks.
John Izzo

Knowing that we will likely regret the things we did not try can have a significant effect on how we make decisions.
John Izzo

Failure it appears is not the regret that haunts most people; it is the choice not to risk failure at all.
John Izzo

What often determines our happiness in life is the step we take after a setback.
John Izzo

It is a sign of our wisdom that we can embrace regret and let it go.
John Izzo

Indeed, one difference I noted between the ‘wise elders’ and the less happy people we interviewed was how they dealt with regret in their lives.
John Izzo

Plant flowers, instead of weeds in your mind/thoughts.
John Izzo

An old Navajo told his grandson that sometimes he feels there is a fight that is going on inside him. He said it is a fight between two wolves. One wolf is evil. It is the wolf of anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, superiority, fear of healing my body and mind, fear of succeeding, fear of exploring what has been said by others to be the truth, fear of walking in others’ moccasins and seeing glimpses of their reality through their eyes and their hearts, using empty excuses that my heart knows to be false. The other wolf is good. It is the wolf of joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, empathy, caring for those who have helped me even though their efforts have not always been perfect, the willingness to forgive myself and others, and realising that my destiny is in my hands. The grandson thought about it and asked: ‘But grandfather, which wolf wins?’ His grandfather replied: ‘The wolf that I choose to feed.’
John Izzo

I noticed that if you have love in your life and a job that gives you purpose, you will be a happy person.
John Izzo

Although he deeply enjoyed his work, he felt he had sacrificed too much in order to be successful. Dave was typical of many of the people we interviewed. The importance of the people in their lives was often lost in the busy pursuit of career and livelihood.
John Izzo

The importance of the people in their lives was often lost in the busy pursuit of career and livelihood.
John Izzo

I noticed that when people are first together they focus almost entirely on the things they like about the other person. But over time people focus more and more on the things which irritate them about the other person rather than what they like. If people would just turn that ratio around, most marriages and families would be so much better.
John Izzo

Do good if you can to every person you meet, but always make sure you do no harm.
John Izzo

Am I planting flowers or weeds in my self-conscious mind?
John Izzo

Every day is a gift.
John Izzo

Write one goal on a card, put in pocket, look at it 12-20 times a day and do that for a month.
John Izzo

They reminded me to stop and really enjoy life, to be a more loving person, to make sure I leave no regrets, to be true to myself, and to know that by giving that I become a part of something larger than I am.
John Izzo

Don’t count on cramming – if something is important to you do it now.
John Izzo

What is the best advice you ever got from someone else about life?
John Izzo

We do not have to wait until we are old to become wise. We can discover life’s secrets at any age, and the sooner we discover them, the more fulfilling our life will be.
John Izzo

Knowledge (the number of facts) doubles every six months, but wisdom is in short supply. Knowledge is the accumulation of facts, whereas wisdom is the ability to discern what matters and what does not matter. Unless we discover what really matters, we cannot find true meaning in life.
John Izzo

It became evident that at the end of our lives we will not regret risks we took that did not work out as we hoped. Not one person said they regretted having tried something and failed. Yet most people said they had not taken enough risks.
John Izzo

It is not that they had had fewer disappointments than others did but that they refused to allow setbacks to defeat them. Perhaps what often determines our happiness in life is the step we take after a setback.
John Izzo

Adversity introduces us to ourselves.
John Izzo

Two things humans want most: 1) To find happiness 2) To find meaning.
John Izzo

We want, most of all, to know that it mattered we were here, to find a reason for being alive.
John Izzo

Five secrets: 1) Be true to yourself 2) Leave no regrets 3) Become love 4) Live the moment 5) Give more than you take.
John Izzo

Am I following my heart and being true to myself?
John Izzo

Is my life focused on the things that really matter to me?
John Izzo

Am I being the person I want to be in the world?
John Izzo

Two keys to following your heart – Having the discipline to listen and the courage to follow.
John Izzo

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