John Symond Quotes

100 John Symond Quotes (Aussie Home Loan Quotes)

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I have learnt that the best way to predict the future is to create it.
John Symond

I know success is about hard work and earning the respect of others, not magical powers. Success is about never giving up. It’s about learning – usually from mistakes.
John Symond

I feel that we have all been placed on this planet to do something positive and that means something that’s not just for ourselves.
John Symond

But every time, I’ve got up and learnt from my mistakes. Mistakes are necessary to growth. But you really have to make sure you learn from them. Rarely make the same mistake twice.
John Symond

Often people tell me that they are dissatisfied with the life they are living, but they don’t have the courage to take a risk and move on. Taking risks is necessary to making constructive change in your life.
John Symond

This is why I often say that too much knowledge is dangerous. Had I seen what was in front of me, it probably would have scared me off. Had I known, I probably wouldn’t have had the guts to take it on in the first place.
John Symond

What is success? I think it equates to happiness. If you are happy with your life most of the time, then I think you are successful.
John Symond

If you shake hands on a promise then that is better than any piece of paper.
John Symond

I know everyone has the capacity to make a success of themselves because I proved to myself that even I could do it.
John Symond

You can shear a sheep for life, but you can only skin it once.
John Symond

Positiveness is so critical. Even if you can keep only 5% of your thinking for positive stuff, it will be that positive feeling that will enable you to grow and go forward. Too many of us get hit by an avalanche of negativity when something bad happens.
John Symond

99% of the time we can only blame ourselves for the mess we get into. We may not know it at the time, but it is no-one else’s fault. I’ve never blamed anyone for my failures and I’m thankful that I didn’t waste too much time feeling sorry for myself or blaming someone else. That gave me the ability to concentrate and get on with it when I was on the mat and bleeding to death.
John Symond

You can only earn trust; it doesn’t come with the job.
John Symond

If ever I say I am going to do something I absolutely do it.
John Symond

When I was still in my twenties… I learnt that real estate was a good way to make money.
John Symond

I’m a firm believer that you are a product of your environment, so your family is critical because it helps forge your character, your value system and the way you act in life.
John Symond

Embrace change and expect change to occur all the time.
John Symond

To be successful in business you must have a strong work ethic.
John Symond

Trust is both a strength and a weakness – where is gets abused is at the bigger end of town.
John Symond

Avoid blindly trusting people or organizations when it comes to business. The bigger the organization, the better the lawyer you need to document the relationship.
John Symond

[I was] looked on as the strong one in the family… Why? Because I’d generally always found solutions…
John Symond

What did help me was the fact that I was doing eighteen-hour days and my mind was so busy – my whole body and soul were immersed in the business.
John Symond

Ultimately, it taught me that adverse situations can have a happy ending.
John Symond

Differentiate yourself and your product from the others in the market. Market yourself and your product and walk the talk.
John Symond

Remain positive and surround yourself with positive people; stay away from negative people.
John Symond

Some consultants are good and some are not; they are not always more knowledgeable about your business than you. Remember amateurs built the ark and professionals built the titanic.
John Symond

Provided you can afford it, some things you should do regardless of whether or not it makes sense financially.
John Symond

Stick to your knitting, but be innovative and think outside the square – just because something hasn’t been done before doesn’t mean that it can’t be done.
John Symond

Know that the best way of predicting the future is to create it.
John Symond

We turned home loans into a commodity that had to be competitive on price and, most importantly, value.
John Symond

Only a decade before, I had barely $10 in my wallet. I was looking down the barrel of bankruptcy and divorce – complete financial and emotional ruin. But I managed to fight back…
John Symond

With me, what you see is what you get.
John Symond

I can understand how success can go to people’s heads. They go quite suddenly from a normal existence to something they’ve dreamt about, so they end up thinking that they really must have superhuman abilities.
John Symond

I’m not a superstar and I don’t want to be perceived as a superstar. I relate to the everyman…
John Symond

I know how easy it is to trip over.
John Symond

Many of us spend our lives sitting on the fence. I say that if you sit on the fence, then all you get are splinters in your butt.
John Symond

It wasn’t a fence I was on, it was more like a cliff edge, and I was sliding the wrong way. So I had either to leap off and fly, or fall and be washed away forever. I simply didn’t have the luxury of waiting and I simply didn’t have the luxury of failing.
John Symond

Sometimes you have to jump before you find you have wings.
John Symond

Taking risks is necessary to making constructive change in your life.
John Symond

If I believe in something, I go for it.
John Symond

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