Kenneth L Fisher Quotes

104 Kenneth L Fisher Quotes (Ken Fisher, Kenneth Lawrence Fisher)

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Wall Street is skeptical of simplicity.
Kenneth L Fisher

Investing… is a probabilities game, not a certainties game.
Kenneth L Fisher

The past is never predictive.
Kenneth L Fisher

I often say investing success is two-thirds avoiding mistakes, one-third doing something right.
Kenneth L Fisher

Learn from failures, try again differently, fail, and try again. Your odds keep improving the more you try.
Kenneth L Fisher

Professionals are terrible at forecasting bear markets. The media’s worse.
Kenneth L Fisher

I’ve learned lots of lessons the hard way.
Kenneth L Fisher

Any stock most folks think of as a ‘growth stock’ is already too popular to be a good buy.
Kenneth L Fisher

A stock only has real potential if most folks think it has none at all.
Kenneth L Fisher

In markets, perceptions are realities, but in reverse.
Kenneth L Fisher

[In 1984] Most investors make a big mistake when investing in small growth companies. They get intrigued with technology.
Kenneth L Fisher

People forget. So much! So often! So fast!
Kenneth L Fisher

Investors as a group, make the same mistakes repeatedly.
Kenneth L Fisher

Investors get overwhelmed by greed or fear but also forget that being greedy or fearful didn’t work out for them in the past. But they also forget they were wrongly greedy or fearful because feelings now seem so much stronger (even though they’re probably not).
Kenneth L Fisher

You needn’t be right 100% of the time to do well in investing… Rather, you want to aim to be right more than wrong.
Kenneth L Fisher

I advocate not blindly following the herd.
Kenneth L Fisher

Markets never forget (But people do).
Kenneth L Fisher

The past is never predictive. That something happened a certain way in the past doesn’t mean it must happen that way in the future.
Kenneth L Fisher

In my long career, more often, what people expect doesn’t happen. Or if it does, it happens for a different reason from what’s commonly believed. Or maybe it’s pure coincidence and not something you want to bet on!
Kenneth L Fisher

If all the world sees X and expects Y, but you know from testing history that Y doesn’t happen all the frequently (or maybe ever) after X, you can bet against them and win – more often than not.
Kenneth L Fisher

No matter how good your analysis and how sound your understanding of history – you will be wrong from time to time.
Kenneth L Fisher

100% accuracy isn’t possible and shouldn’t be expected. If your investment goals require 100% accuracy, you will be disappointed and should perhaps adjust your expectations.
Kenneth L Fisher

Money and markets may never forget, but surely people do. And that will not be different this time, next time, or any time in your life.
Kenneth L Fisher

I have great love and respect for market history. As they say, those who don’t study history are doomed to repeat it.
Kenneth L Fisher

In investing – any serious practitioner must make market history part of their continuing education, otherwise they’re doomed to draw the same wrong conclusions time and again.
Kenneth L Fisher

We can’t innovate forward if we don’t understand our past…
Kenneth L Fisher

[In 2007] Leverage is a vital driver for a healthy economy, and government efforts to reduce federal debt have consistently met with disaster.
Kenneth L Fisher

[In 2007] When the markets are rising here, they’re rising in London and Brussels, and most likely even Malaysia. When interest rates are rising or falling here, they’re almost certain to be doing the same thing soon in Paris, Tokyo, Toronto, the Antilles, and Brazil. For the most part, depressions and recessions are worldwide.
Kenneth L Fisher

IPOs sell on their sizzle and sex appeal. They’re usually classified as high-risk growth stocks. But all stocks that are classified as growth stocks are high-risk.
Kenneth L Fisher

A stock only has real potential if most folks think it has none at all. When investors later see that it does have potential, they’re surprised, and the stock gets bid up as its popularity rises.
Kenneth L Fisher

It is impossible to outguess the stock market based on estimates of where the economy is headed, but… the stock market is a good forecaster of economic downturns.
Kenneth L Fisher

My favorite financial story of all time, the South Seas Bubble.
Kenneth L Fisher

What the world thinks about something in markets is about as important as the thing itself.
Kenneth L Fisher

Folks don’t like questioning themselves. If we question, we might discover we’re wrong, causing humiliation and pain.
Kenneth L Fisher

If you can avoid mistakes and do something right on occasion, you likely do better than most everyone. Better than most professionals!
Kenneth L Fisher

Most people don’t know anything others don’t.
Kenneth L Fisher

The answer to improving your error rate isn’t in perfecting a craft but in knowing something others don’t.
Kenneth L Fisher

What do I believe that is actually false?
Kenneth L Fisher

What can I fathom that others find unfathomable?
Kenneth L Fisher

What the heck is my brain doing to mislead and misguide me now?
Kenneth L Fisher

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