King Gillette Quotes

102 King Gillette Quotes
(King C Gillette Quotes, King Camp Gillette Quotes)

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I didn’t know enough to quit.
King Gillette

I was a dreamer, and in search of the gold at the foot of the rainbow.
King Gillette

I dared where the wise ones feared to tread.
King Gillette

A friend of mine asked why I could not invent something that everybody would use and throw away afterwards, and then come back for more. Except pins, I could think of nothing. The next day I dropped my razor and damaged the edge. Then the idea came.
King Gillette

[‘King, you are always thinking about inventions – always trying to invent something worth while. Why don’t you invent something like the Crown Cork which, when once used, is thrown away, so that the public has to keep on coming back for more until the end of the chapter? For every new customer you get, you lay a permanent foundation for profit’ – William Painter (King Gillette boss at the Baltimore Seal Co)] That sounds easy, Mr Painter, but how many things are there that everybody uses like corks and pins and needles? [‘You don’t know, King. I don’t know. Nobody knows. You may not strike anything like the cork. However, it certainly will do no harm to think about it.’ – William Painter]
King Gillette

There are two kinds of men who never amount to much: those who cannot do what they are told and those who can do nothing else.
King Gillette

The razor was looked upon as a joke by all my friends, A common greeting was, ‘Well, Gillette, how’s the razor?’ If I had been technically trained, I would have quit.
King Gillette

Work of mind and body insures health, active mentality and love of life, all of which are necessary to human happiness.
King Gillette

Charity is a virtue.
King Gillette

There is no passion so strong in a man as a desire to learn, when he has reached that plane where he can appreciate the pleasure derived from the attainment of knowledge.
King Gillette

[In 1897] During a presidential campaign promises are very elastic.
King Gillette

Men of quick perception and great financial and executive ability become the seers and prophets of their generation.
King Gillette

They made money for others, but seldom for myself, for I was unfortunately situated not having much time and little money with which to promote my inventions.
King Gillette

It is easy to give that kind of advice, but how many things are like corks, pins, and needles?
King Gillette

For the capitalist, fortunate will he be who reads the writing on the wall and takes head before the tide begins to turn.
King Gillette

Every individual… is absolute master of his own destiny, his progress being limited only by his ambition and intelligence.
King Gillette

Like attracts like.
King Gillette

Any system [is] wrong which permits individuals to be born to a life of non-productiveness.
King Gillette

If we were all content with the way our fathers and mothers believed, then we would not progress at all…
King Gillette

Material wealth is not divisible without loss. But knowledge is divisible to infinity…
King Gillette

The fundamental asset of a nation is knowledge.
King Gillette

Knowledge is infinite in its power to make men happy, infinite in its possibilities to guard against the ills of mind and body…
King Gillette

Politics is business.
King Gillette

I’ve got it. Our fortune is made.
I have got it; our fortune is made.
King Gillette

I urged the razor company to make a salaried position for me, but those in control refused to meet my wishes, giving as a reason the need of every dollar for development of the business.
King Gillette

The whole success of this business depends on advertising.
King Gillette

There is not other article for individual use so universally known or widely distributed. In my travels, I have found it in the most northern town in Norway and in the heart of the Sahara Desert.
King Gillette

As I stood there with the razor in my hand, my eyes resting on it as lightly as a bird settling down on its nest, the Gillette razor was born. In that moment I saw it all: the way the blade could be held in a holder; the idea of sharpening the two opposite edges on the thin piece of steel; the clamping plates, with a handle halfway between the two edges of the blade.
As I stood there with the razor in my hand, my eyes resting on it as lightly as a bird settling down on its nest, the Gillette razor was born. I saw it all in a moment… I could see the way the blade could be held in a holder; then came the idea of sharpening the two opposite edges on the thin piece of steel that was uniform in thickness throughout, thus doubling its services; and following in sequence came the clamping plates for the blade and a handle equally disposed between the two edges of the blade.
King Gillette

The greatest feature of the business is the almost endless chain of blade consumption, each razor paying tribute to the company as long as the user lives.
King Gillette

We hope to have a better blade, and have it machine polished, which will improve its appearance very greatly.
King Gillette

A man cannot live without labor, except he live on the labor of others.
King Gillette

[To Booth Tarkington] There’s nothing mightier than the pen – rod and sword included.
King Gillette

People in Western societies are slowly discovering that personal ambition and human progress don’t depend on competition between individuals for material wealth. Under our present system, nine-tenths of the population live from hand to mouth. The whole power of their minds is absorbed in the struggle to obtain the necessities of life from day to day, which leaves not time to develop the mind by the acquisition of knowledge. The result is that the world loses the natural progressive power which would develop under a system which would allow for the free expansion of mind.
King Gillette

We must make it impossible for a man to say I cannot get work.
King Gillette

We must first provide work for the people, so they will have money with which to purchase.
King Gillette

You cannot benefit the poor without benefiting the rich.
King Gillette

It is my confident opinion that not only can a successful razor be made on the principles of the Gillette patent, but that if the blades are made by the proper methods a result in advance of anything known can be reached.
King Gillette

Experience teaches us, and cumulative evidence proves that the perfect mechanism of industrial corporation keeps pace with its growth, individuals and parts being fitted in, at the right time and in the right place.
King Gillette

[On business leaders being the prophets of a generation] They see far into the future, and discount that future by coming to the front as promoters, and by securing options on competitive plants of industry and bringing them together…
King Gillette

[In 1910] Each corporation formed is a more economic machine for accomplishing some definite result and a step nearer a definite economic goal, and any obstruction by law or otherwise which retards their formation or growth is the insanity of inexcusable ignorance, and criminal. It is tantamount to using the sledge on the reaping machine, the printing-press, and dynamo, and going back to the primitive ways of our forefathers.
King Gillette

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