Lachlan Murdoch Quotes

101 Lachlan Murdoch Quotes

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[The New York Post] Editors were worried to change too much of it because they thought it was a great brand and if you did things you’d hear things…
Lachlan Murdoch

The first thing to do was to break through… and say the post has to develop, it has to evolve…
Lachlan Murdoch

Surprise them… if you just tell them what they heard on the news the night before, they’re not going to buy your paper.
Lachlan Murdoch

[On gossip] I think it’s always been a pull. Gossip, entertainment and sports are a core part of the New York Posts strengths. You have to add to that great news and breaking news…
Lachlan Murdoch

Gossip, celebrities, entertainment are a key part of what people look for.
Lachlan Murdoch

We think about the different positions we take.
Lachlan Murdoch

We believe strategically direct television or Echostar would be a fantastic fit with our company.
Lachlan Murdoch

We have a lot of skills in newspapers… I think on eof the problems we had at the post was we weren’t leveraging some of those skills we had overseas.
Lachlan Murdoch

[In 2003] We’re the number one newspaper in Australia. We’re the number one newspaper publisher in England. I personally see ourselves as very much a newspaper company and I’m proud of the skills we have.
Lachlan Murdoch

[In 2003] I would assume 20-25% of our business is from print.
Lachlan Murdoch

[In 2003] I wouldn’t rule out acquiring other newspapers if an opportunity arose. Having said that… the growth in the company will continue to be our television.
Lachlan Murdoch

I think we’re in great businesses. They’re fun and they’re exciting and if you’re good at them you’re going to take market share away from your competitors.
Lachlan Murdoch

If you manage the businesses well you’re going to improve them and continue to grow your profits.
Lachlan Murdoch

The Network television model is a challenged model. Cost of programming continues to increase, ratings are tougher and tougher to achieve.
Lachlan Murdoch

[In 2003] I couldn’t think of a better job than to run the New York Post. I remember as a kid my father flipping through it [The New York Post] and teaching me what was a good headline, what was a good page design.
Lachlan Murdoch

My father is focussed on the day to day, on running the company.
Lachlan Murdoch

[On his father Rupert Murdoch in 2003] I don’t think he expects to ever give up the reigns himself. He’s got so much energy.
Lachlan Murdoch

[On Rupert Murdoch] What he does with all his executives is throw them in the deep end and give them great challenges and expect them to achieve in those challenges. I think that’s what he’s done frankly with all of his children.
Lachlan Murdoch

It’s [about] throwing challenges at people and seeing how they do.
Lachlan Murdoch

Even on vacation work is always turning over in his [Rupert Murdoch’s] head and that’s incredibly admirable and from my point of view it’s great to see that and to learn from it.
Lachlan Murdoch

We are very close to our mother.
Lachlan Murdoch

[On Rupert Murdoch] He comes at it from a creative point of view, well actually you can do news better.
Lachlan Murdoch

If we provide a better product and a sharper product you can grow both circulation or the viewership and ultimately the business follows that.
Lachlan Murdoch

It’s not looking at problems that are really creative problems and saying lets get some business analysts to look at these and do their numbers. It’s first coming at it from a creative point of view and saying if we can do this better, is there a market for it? The second thing is getting fantastic executives…
Lachlan Murdoch

[On his own future if he was doing something else] It’s hard to imagine. You grow up in a family business and you grow up working 20 hours a day trying to run part of that family business. It’s very hard to step back from that.
Lachlan Murdoch

It’s very hard to say… could you unplug this and plug something else in.
Lachlan Murdoch

[March 2009 interview] I'm sitting on a fair amount of cash, which is good. But I'm not yet sure it's a good time to invest.
Lachlan Murdoch

[On 2009 being an interesting year for media groups] Because a lot of companies will be pushed close to, if not through, their banking covenants ... so it's a great time to be sitting on the sidelines and watching closely.
Lachlan Murdoch

I do think Australian newspapers - and this includes [News Corporation rival] Fairfax - have invested in the journalism behind their papers.
Lachlan Murdoch

It's quite easy to generate transactional revenue from people on mobile phones because people understand that if you use your phone, you will be charged.
Lachlan Murdoch

We sometimes forget that those we send to report for us from places like Bali feel the trauma and grief like everyone else.
Lachlan Murdoch

We forget that those working behind a camera, a recorder or notebook feel the pulse of humanity as we do. The best of them feel that pulse more strongly.
Lachlan Murdoch

I have reflected often these past days on how we, the Australian media, will respond to our own tragedy. How will we play our part in serving our own devastated communities?
Lachlan Murdoch

What choices will we make as we step through the various stages of healing our nation?
Lachlan Murdoch

[In 2002] Over the last 25 years, I have been privileged to grow up retaining the love of good journalism, the craft, while learning its business: the dollars and cents. I have learnt that they are not mutually exclusive but integrally self-reliant. Each dependent on the other.
Lachlan Murdoch

The industry is littered with self-styled purists who believe the business of media - the requirement to make a profit - somehow corrupts the craft.
Lachlan Murdoch

The idea that owners of media organisations regard the practise of journalism as a public service is as outdated as the idea that businesses operate in the interests of a better world…
Lachlan Murdoch

I happen to think that serious journalism is about informing the community, reflecting their interests and championing their causes. The size of a newspaper is simply irrelevant.
Lachlan Murdoch

I believe narrow-mindedness - disguised as high-mindedness - risks making its media irrelevant, instead of being as diverse and valuable to as many people as possible.
Lachlan Murdoch

We all have to expand our capabilities to encompass the changing world, its growing diversity and, indeed, its complexity.
Lachlan Murdoch

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