Larry Ellison Quotes

302 Larry Ellison Quotes

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[In July 2012] Are we are loser? NO!
Larry Ellison

[In 1996] There’s still room left for innovation. There’s going to be change. Microsoft’s future is not assured.
Larry Ellison

[In 1996] Anything good for the internet we’re very supportive of it.
Larry Ellison

[In 1996] I hate the PC. With a passion.
Larry Ellison

[In 1996] Put the stuff on the net… Don’t put stuff in cardboard [boxes.].
Larry Ellison

[In 1996] I love the internet. I want information.
Larry Ellison

[In 1996] We shouldn’t spend all our time wringing our hands worrying about Microsoft world domination. There’s still room left for innovation.
Larry Ellison

[On solving a problem in moving data quick enough. And going into the HP Oracle Exadata Storage Server Grid.] In solving this problem we had to go beyond just software…
Larry Ellison

It’s kind of silly to be in the hardware business and to only have one product.
Larry Ellison

[In March 2013] Medicine will become personalised, based on your genetics.

[In March 2013] There’s a huge requirement to collect every individual’s DNA.
Larry Ellison

[On healthcare and IT in March 2013] IT has the opportunity to dramatically improve the quality of care and lower the cost of care simultaneously.
Larry Ellison

[In March 2013] Our governments are going bankrupt, trying to provide healthcare for it’s citizens.
Larry Ellison

[In March 2013] Technology holds the promise of making healthcare more efficient. Better cures at lower cost.
Larry Ellison

[In March 2013] I think the biggest problem that our society faces today is the requirement to provide our citizens with high quality health care from the government. Paid for by the government. That’s very costly.
Larry Ellison

[In March 2013] We need to do two things, find better cures – keep people out of the hospital. Hospital is very expensive. We need to find better cures, better medicines in much lower cost. We need to do both.
Larry Ellison

[In March 2013] I would say the biggest impact over the next ten years of IT on our society is attacking what I think is the most critical problem that society is facing right now – which are very high expectations by the people and getting quality health care from the government. That’s very expensive today and we have provide even better care at a much lower cost. And IT technology holds the key for doing that.
Larry Ellison

Bill Gates is one of the most remarkable businesspeople I’ve ever met. Some people say Bill Gates is the most brilliant guy I’ve every met. There are a lot of really brilliant scientists in our business. And you’ll forgive me there are a lot of people in the world that are smarter than Bill Gates. There are very few people in the world who have his focus and endurance. Someone once said that Bill wants people to think he’s Edison and he’s really Rockefeller. If he were Edison he’d be a lot less dangerous. He is utterly relentless… absolutely focused and he wants it all.
Larry Ellison

[On Bill Gates] He’s young and he’s mean. And he’s not tired.
Larry Ellison

[On Bill Gates.] He’s tough and he wants it all. And I have incredible respect for the man.
Larry Ellison

[On Steve Jobs in May 2012] He had a single mindedness and an attention to detail.
Larry Ellison

Anything is possible.
Larry Ellison


Average technology and great marketing beat good technology and good marketing every day.
Oracle employee

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