Mark Mobius Quotes

101 Mark Mobius Quotes

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[In 2010] When we first started our emerging markets fund in 1987, we had no idea how significant emerging markets would become. After all, that fund was only about $100 million in size… We now managed $10 billion, a hundred times more than we were managing in 1987…
Mark Mobius

[In October 1994 on holding 43% in cash] I tend to hold a lot of cash if I can’t find any bargains, and new money increases it. But our cash is declining rapidly…
Mark Mobius

[In 1994] Every time I give a speech, someone asks about what’s going to happen when China takes over in 1997. Nobody knows, people are uncertain. And you know what happens in the face of uncertainty? Stock prices don’t do anything, or they decline.
Mark Mobius

We saw assets selling for a fraction of true value, and we just kept on buying and buying. Now it’s paying off.
Mark Mobius

Very often banks are undervalued in developing countries.
Mark Mobius

I’m not too concerned with what’s happening to my net asset value. I’m concerned with how many bargains I have in the portfolio.
Mark Mobius

I’m very happy when markets go down.
Mark Mobius

I love market crashes, panic.
Mark Mobius

As one of the Rothschilds once said, you must buy when blood is running on the streets – even when it’s your own.
Mark Mobius

[In September 2009] There’s always corrections even in a bull market and they can be very violent.
Mark Mobius

[In 2011] It’s a global problem… People are sometimes reluctant to put their money into equities.
Mark Mobius

[On the general populace and shares in 2011] They get very unhappy if they see the value going down…
Mark Mobius

Take the long view, don’t expect short term returns.
Mark Mobius

Don’t trade in and out of the market. Because you invariably will get it wrong.
Mark Mobius

[On share portfolio turnover] Our turnover is very, very low.
Mark Mobius

You get corrections in every market.
Mark Mobius

There’s no way that the slowing growing economic country will be outperforming the fast growing economies.
Mark Mobius

We keep on getting money into the fund, so we have to continue to invest.
Mark Mobius

We always have focused on concentration, we want to have concentrated portfolios of the very best ideas.
Mark Mobius

Buy when things are terrible.
Mark Mobius

The best time to invest is when there’s great uncertainty.
Mark Mobius

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