Paul Tudor Jones Quotes

101 Paul Tudor Jones Quotes

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I can’t say that I have been successful because I am better than anybody else… I was in the right place at the right time…
Paul Tudor Jones

There is nothing worse than a bad trading day.
Paul Tudor Jones

Trading gives you an incredibly intense feeling of what life is all about. Emotionally, you live on the extremes.
Paul Tudor Jones

My grandfather told me at a very early age that you are only worth what you can write a check for tomorrow, so the concept of having my net worth tied up in a stock a la Bill Gates… would be something that’s just anathema to me.
Paul Tudor Jones

One of my number one rules as an investor is as soon as I find out a manager is going through divorce, redeem immediately. Because the emotional distraction that comes from divorce is so overwhelming, that the idea you can think straight for 60 seconds and be able to make a rationale decision is impossible, particularly when there are kids involved. You can automatically subtract 10 to 20 percent from any manager if he is going through divorce.
Paul Tudor Jones

I want the guy who is not giving to panic, who is not going to be overly emotionally involved, but who is going to hurt when he loses.
Paul Tudor Jones

Where you want to be is always in control, never wishing, always trading, and always first and foremost protecting your ass.
Paul Tudor Jones

[In June 2009] Serving others is really, really important. It truly is the secret to happiness in life.
Paul Tudor Jones

I… know that failure was a key element to my life’s journey.
Paul Tudor Jones

One problem with failure. It can stay with you for a very long time.
Paul Tudor Jones

I swore that I was going to prove to myself that I could be a success.
Paul Tudor Jones

Failure will give you a tattoo that will stay with you your whole life, and sometimes it’s a really good thing.
Paul Tudor Jones

I was a 26-year old knucklehead, and since all my friends were getting married, I kind of felt it was time for me to do the same thing. And that was the worst reason in the world to get married.
Paul Tudor Jones

Quite often that dragon of failure is really chasing you off the wrong road and on to the right one.
Paul Tudor Jones

Intellectual capital will always trump financial capital.
Paul Tudor Jones

I had tried to succeed with sheer force of will and energy and financial resources. I learned that this was not enough. What I needed were better defined goals, better metrics, and most importantly, more efficient technologies that would enable me to achieve those goals.
Paul Tudor Jones

[In July 2004] You learn early in life that half of everything you do is wrong.
Paul Tudor Jones

[In July 2004] If you don’t see anything, you don’t trade. You take risk only when you see an opportunity.
Paul Tudor Jones

I think I am the single most conservative investor on earth in the sense that I absolutely hate losing money.
Paul Tudor Jones

[In June 2009] Everything happens for a reason.
Paul Tudor Jones

[In June 2009] Some of your greatest successes are going to be the children of failure.
Paul Tudor Jones

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