Philip Fisher Quotes

100 Philip Fisher Quotes

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The price at which the stock sold four years ago may have little or no real relationship to the price at which it sells today. The company may have developed a host of able new executives, a series of new and highly profitable products, or any number of similar desirable attributes that make the stock intrinsically worth four times as much in relation to the price of other stocks as it was worth four years ago.
Philip Fisher

The fact that a stock has or has not risen in the last several years is of no significance whatsoever in determining whether it should be bought now.
Philip Fisher

The ability to see through some majority opinions to find what facts are really there is a trait that can bring rich rewards in the field of common stocks.
Philip Fisher

Investment fads and misinterpretation of facts may run for several months or several years. In the long run, however, realities not only terminate them, but frequently, for a time, cause the affected stocks to go too far in the opposite direction.
Philip Fisher

The financial community is usually slow to recognize a fundamentally changed condition, unless a big name or a colorful single event is publicly associated with that change.
Philip Fisher

[In 1957] We have almost certainly not conquered the business cycle. We may not even have tamed it.
Philip Fisher

In the stock market a good nervous system is even more important than a good head.
Philip Fisher

The best research team in the world can become nothing but a liability if it develops only products that cannot be readily sold.
Philip Fisher

Only by growing better can a company be sure of not growing worse.
Philip Fisher

Companies that have failed to go uphill have invariably gone downhill…
Philip Fisher

The more successful the corporation, the more likely it is to be unique in some of its policies.
Philip Fisher

The true investment objective of growth is not just to make gains but to avoid loss.
Philip Fisher

The bigger a company is, the harder it is to manage efficiently.
Philip Fisher

The more things change, the more they remain the same.
Philip Fisher

Focus on buying these companies when they are out of favor, that is when, either because of general market conditions or because the financial community at the moment has misconceptions of its true worth, the stock is selling at prices well under what it will be when it’s true merit is better understood.
Philip Fisher

Every time individual stocks take sickening plunges, another group of badly burned investors places the blame on the system rather than on their own mistakes or those of their advisors.
Philip Fisher

When a stock has been selling too high because of unrealistic expectations, sooner or later a growing number of stockholders grow tired of waiting.
Philip Fisher

I have an intense dislike for losing money.
Philip Fisher

The chief difference between a fool and a wise man is that the wise man learns from his mistakes, while the fool never does.
Philip Fisher

All the correct reasoning in the world is of no benefit in stock investment unless it is turned into specific action.
Philip Fisher

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