Rene Rivkin Quotes

102 Rene Rivkin Quotes

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Buy in gloom, sell in boom.
Rene Rivkin

It is the world’s most exciting career, it is the world’s most exciting pastime. I regard myself as so lucky, because I don’t think I work at all. To me, work is the weekend, and play is Monday to Friday when the stock market’s open.
Rene Rivkin

I knew I had done the right thing going into broking.
Rene Rivkin

When buying shares, ask yourself, ‘Is the value at this price such that you would buy the whole company?’
Rene Rivkin

Should one borrow? It depends on your psychology, on your make-up, on the sort of person you are and on the sort of stock you buy … if you want to borrow money to buy a blue chip stock, then by all means do so. Sure it can fall, but it won’t send you broke. But can you imagine if you borrowed to buy E-corp at $8 when it got there … and they’re $2 today. You’d regret very much having borrowed against your house, because you’d probably be living in my guest room by now.
Rene Rivkin

It is a documented fact that the best traders are the traders who don’t trade when there is no trading to be done. It’s only the trade junkies who trade at all times and so, there should be times when you do nothing.
Rene Rivkin

As long as you are getting the returns on your funds at the end of the year that satisfy you, then so what if you don’t trade often. So what if you don’t do anything for 35 weeks a year, as long as the other 17 weeks you’ve doubled your money.
Rene Rivkin

Read every bit of financial material you can lay your hands on; you never know where you will find a useful snippet.
Rene Rivkin

You’ve got to enjoy it. I recommend you start trying to enjoy it. It’s all fun.
Rene Rivkin

I have never met a rich chartist.
Rene Rivkin

Charting is useful only for one thing as far as I’m concerned, and that’s to show you where a stock has been. As for showing you where a stock is going, that is absolute garbage.
Rene Rivkin

I’ve thrown out the challenge many times. Show me a rich chartist. I can show you plenty of rich fundamentalists. Show me a rich chartist, and then I’ll change my mind on charts. I’ve offered rewards of up to $10,000 for the introduction to a rich chartist. No one has ever claimed that reward. That’s got to tell you that chartists are basically in the same field as psychics and fortune-tellers.
Rene Rivkin

I have spoken to them and have actually employed them occasionally, just for my amusement … The guy didn’t want to know anything about fundamentals. He taught me that fundamentals are irrelevant because you can see it all in the charts. He didn’t last very long. Be very careful with chartists.
Rene Rivkin

The value of expert forecasts is to let us know what will not happen rather than what will.
Rene Rivkin

Favourite forecasters are those who are always wrong. At least they are consistent and therefore useful.
Rene Rivkin

Put emphasis on historical and current earnings, and disregard distant future earnings forecasts.
Rene Rivkin

The higher the real NTA, the lower the risk.
Rene Rivkin

It is easier to not find oil than to find oil.
Rene Rivkin

If you take the history of blue chips, you will find very few of them have actually collapsed permanently … if you examine the history of blue chips, they never ever go out the back door.
Rene Rivkin

You can make money in bull or bear stock markets.
Rene Rivkin

All booms must bust! The only question is when.
Rene Rivkin

Basically, I’m a very happy taxpayer, because the more you pay, the more you made.
Rene Rivkin

Anyone who says they picked the exact date is either lying or was lucky. You can never predict the date of a crash, you can only predict that the market is ripe for a crash.
Rene Rivkin

When panic takes over, you’ve got to buy, not sell.
Rene Rivkin

You have to liken a stock market boom to the escape of inmates who then take over the asylum. No you do know that they will be put back in their cells some time, but you just don’t know when.
Rene Rivkin

Unless human behaviour changes (and it won’t), fear, greed and folly will always drive markets.
Rene Rivkin

Not let luck or a bull market go to your head.
Rene Rivkin

Never buy a stock that relies on a greater fool to take you out.
Rene Rivkin

The pain of losing money is greater than the pleasure of making money.
Rene Rivkin

You will never pick the top and you will never pick the bottom and if you did, you were merely lucky.
Rene Rivkin

Do not bottom fish. Bottom fishing can be a disastrous sport.
Rene Rivkin

Never panic … it never helps and it inhibits rational decision-making.
Rene Rivkin

Missing a stock market winner is not a sin – but losing money is.
Rene Rivkin

Don’t waste time worrying about past mistakes – learn from them.
Rene Rivkin

There is not room in trading for fear, greed or regret.
Rene Rivkin

I’m against optimism and pessimism in life generally. I believe that there’s only one logical position in life, and that’s called pragmatism, or realism. I want to see the world, or the stock market, as it is, not as I’d like it to be, or as I’d hate it to be.
Rene Rivkin

I believe in realism as the only correct course in examining investments.
Rene Rivkin

It is very rare that the first price in a takeover bid is the last takeover price.
Rene Rivkin

Look at the downside of any transaction first. If acceptable, then examine the upside.
Rene Rivkin

There is nothing that cannot happen in the markets.
Rene Rivkin

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