Robert G Allen Quotes

100 Robert G Allen Quotes (Robert Allen Quotes)

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The better your attitude and the harder you work, the luckier you get.
Robert G Allen

Those who place too much faith in security often end up trying to put out fires with empty water hoses.
Robert G Allen

It has never been easier to make a fortune in real estate.
Robert G Allen

Our consumer-oriented society places a high priority on instant gratification. Buy now, pay later. Indulge now, suffer later.
Robert G Allen

Don’t let the opinions of the average man sway you. Dream, and he thinks you’re crazy. Succeed, and he thinks you’re lucky. Acquire wealth, and he thinks you’re greedy. Pay no attention. He simply doesn’t understand.
Robert G Allen

It is a commonly held in our society that finding a good job, working hard, and moving up the ladder to more responsibility will eventually take us to golden retirement years of wealth and happiness.
Robert G Allen

How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts?
Robert G Allen

Your ultimate goal is to acquire ownership of a generous source of income which flows to you regardless of your job.
Robert G Allen

You can actually borrow your way to wealth.
Robert G Allen

Risk is an essential part of progress.
Robert G Allen

As I became more mature I realized that failure is part of success.
Robert G Allen

Failure is not bad… Failure can be the best thing that ever happened to you.
Robert G Allen

Wealth is not money… Wealth is thoughts, not things.
Robert G Allen

Send me to any city in the United States. Take away my wallet. Give me $100 for living expenses. And in seventy-two hours I’ll buy an excellent piece of real estate using none of my own money.
Robert G Allen

Government is not the answer. The answer lies in us. We alone are responsible for our ultimate financial welfare.
Robert G Allen

You don’t have to be filthy to be filthy rich.
Robert G Allen

Rigidly held assumptions can be dangerous to your wealth.
Robert G Allen

A goal that is not written down is a wish. A daydream.
Robert G Allen

I hate to think where I’d be if I had failed to act…
Robert G Allen

If you could redistribute the wealth of this nation to every American citizen, the odds are that the bulk of it would be squandered or lost within a generation.
Robert G Allen

There is a time to diversify and a time to concentrate. If you are just beginning to create wealth, you concentrate. You pick a strong investment and throw your whole energy into it. Don’t dissipate your energies in a dozen different directions. Become an expert, and when you fail, learn from your failures; add this precious knowledge to your storehouse and proceed to correct the mistake in the future.
Robert G Allen

Five to ten years of wise debt buys you a lifetime of debt-free existence.
Robert G Allen

Stability is more important than liquidity.
Robert G Allen

As one wise man put it, ‘One small good deed is better than a grand intention.’
Robert G Allen

Real estate is a wonderful wealth generator but a terrible cashflow generator.
Robert G Allen

Regardless of the times, real estate is a necessity.
Robert G Allen

Learning to be successful at real estate investing is much like learning how to ride a bike.
Robert G Allen

[On investing] The wise investor learns to choose a cookie cutter which matches his future economic expectations.
Robert G Allen

Don’t waste your time with inflexible sellers.
Robert G Allen

You would be much better off dealing with a creative realtor – one who understands creative financing… Once you find a creative realtor, you will soon realize that he or she is worth a king’s ransom.
Robert G Allen

The win/win investor is as gentle as a lamb but as shrewd as a fox.
Robert G Allen

Optimism is the root of persistence.
Robert G Allen

It is only the poverty-minded that jump out of windows when they lose everything. The wealthy person cannot lose his wealth. His wealth is infinitely portable, for it resides in his head. Therein lies his only security.
Robert G Allen

If I don’t have it, I can get it!
Robert G Allen

One of the greatest destroyers of wealth is divorce.
Robert G Allen

If you know how to find the bargains, you are halfway there.
Robert G Allen

[On focusing on cashflow] I try to pretend that the property I buy will never appreciate in value.
Robert G Allen

Some people would rather have less money now than more money later.
Robert G Allen

The world is full of disappointed investors who couldn’t hang on long enough. They didn’t have staying power… as an investor you need staying power.
Robert G Allen

Cash is staying power. It is liquidity.
Robert G Allen

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