Siimon Reynolds Quotes

160 Siimon Reynolds Quotes

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Understand the elements of negotiation.
Siimon Reynolds

Understand the awesome power of persistence.
Siimon Reynolds

Don’t work past 7pm.
Siimon Reynolds

Siimon Reynolds

Assume too good to be true deals aren’t.
Siimon Reynolds

Cover the downside.
Siimon Reynolds

Invest 10% of your income.
Siimon Reynolds

Work with urgency.
Siimon Reynolds

Become friends with the boss’s secretary.
Siimon Reynolds

Don’t go to university unless you have to.
Siimon Reynolds

Rush unimportant jobs.
Siimon Reynolds

Get an electronic diary.
Siimon Reynolds

Always put your watch and wallet in the same place.
Siimon Reynolds

Don’t spend too much time alone.
Siimon Reynolds

Constantly think about your profession.
Siimon Reynolds

Study Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Siimon Reynolds

Take holidays often.
Siimon Reynolds

Schedule time to do nothing. Often.
Siimon Reynolds

Don’t go into industries on the upswing. There’s usually to much competition.
Siimon Reynolds

Address personal problems early.
Siimon Reynolds

Keep personal calls to under three minutes at work.
Siimon Reynolds

Don’t wear sunglasses all the time.
Siimon Reynolds

Do all trivial administration at the end of the week.
Siimon Reynolds

Make your home a mind gym.
Siimon Reynolds

Always push yourself.
Siimon Reynolds

Use natural tranquillisers.
Siimon Reynolds

Don’t work hard, work carefully.
Siimon Reynolds

Don’t work just for the money. You’ll end up with less money.
Siimon Reynolds

Eat less meat to stay healthier.
Siimon Reynolds

Aim to triple what you earn, not increase it by $20,000.
Siimon Reynolds

Visualise daily.
Siimon Reynolds

Hangovers are easy to relieve.
Siimon Reynolds

Get rid of addictions.
Siimon Reynolds

Delegate everything possible.
Siimon Reynolds

Never exercise hard.
Siimon Reynolds

Avoid business partnerships.
Siimon Reynolds

Read the five great success books.
Siimon Reynolds

Read every major book in your field.
Siimon Reynolds

Exercise daily.
Siimon Reynolds

Hire slow, sack fast.
Siimon Reynolds

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