Siimon Reynolds Quotes

160 Siimon Reynolds Quotes

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Train yourself to expect the best.
Siimon Reynolds

Never have a holiday at home.
Siimon Reynolds

Plan your recreation.
Siimon Reynolds

Get 20 minutes sun each day.
Siimon Reynolds

Have a spiritual life.
Siimon Reynolds

Reduce PMT by changing your diet.
Siimon Reynolds

Give to every charity that asks.
Siimon Reynolds

Use the power of aromatherapy.
Siimon Reynolds

Schedule all meetings in the afternoon.
Siimon Reynolds

Don’t work under fluorescent lights.
Siimon Reynolds

Drink less alcohol.
Siimon Reynolds

Eat brainfoods.
Siimon Reynolds

Work and sleep with a negative ion generator nearby.
Siimon Reynolds

Associate with the kind of people you want to become.
Siimon Reynolds

To protect yourself from cancer, drink green tea.
Siimon Reynolds

Spend half an hour a day thinking.
Siimon Reynolds

Don’t drink from aluminium cans.
Siimon Reynolds

Keep memos and reports to one page and insist others do the same.
Siimon Reynolds

Look after your relatives.
Siimon Reynolds

Never buy a new car.
Siimon Reynolds

Learn how to come up with ideas.
Siimon Reynolds

Constantly give.
Siimon Reynolds

Take ten risks each year.
Siimon Reynolds

Give small gifts often.
Siimon Reynolds

Develop a strong self image.
Siimon Reynolds

Keep a ‘Things Achieved’ list.
Siimon Reynolds

Be constantly upbeat in the office.
Siimon Reynolds

Plan your holidays at the beginning of the year.
Siimon Reynolds

Always ask for more money than you want.
Siimon Reynolds

Throw out half of what you own.
Siimon Reynolds

Don’t socialise too much.
Siimon Reynolds

Follow the rules of Feng Shui.
Siimon Reynolds

Have the shiniest shoes in the office.
Siimon Reynolds

Make decisions often.
Siimon Reynolds

Use a face moisturiser even if you’re male.
Siimon Reynolds

Don’t listen to music in the car, listen to educational tapes.
Siimon Reynolds

Have a memorable business card.
Siimon Reynolds

Reward yourself every single day.
Siimon Reynolds

Guard your mind.
Siimon Reynolds

Eliminate clutter in the office.
Siimon Reynolds

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