Suze Orman Quotes

200 Suze Orman Quotes

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I always felt they hired me simply to babysit their money for them.
Suze Orman

Money is not a person you can write out of your life. You need money to live.
Suze Orman

How we behave toward our money, how we treat our money, speaks volumes about how we perceive and value ourselves.
Suze Orman

Respecting your relationship with money… is the key not only to your security and independence, but to your happiness, as well.
Suze Orman

Nothing more directly affects your happiness than money.
Suze Orman

Silence leads to inaction.
Suze Orman

How are we supposed to teach our children, how are we supposed to educate ourselves, if there isn’t a free and frank flow of information about money?
Suze Orman

If we persist in denying money its place in our lives, if we don’t give it the respect it most certainly deserves, then it will surely lead to unhappiness.
Suze Orman

There isn’t a part of our lives that money doesn’t touch…
Suze Orman

Most of us, I think, have a core of anxiety that we carry around with us, though we may not admit it to ourselves. That is part of money’s power over us.
Suze Orman

Your money will work for you, and you will always have enough – more than enough – when you give it energy, time and understanding.
Suze Orman

Money is very much like a person, and it will respond when you treat it as you would a cherished friend – never fearing it, pushing it away, pretending it doesn’t exist, or turning away from its needs, never clutching it so hard that it hurts.
Suze Orman

Your own memories about money will tell you a lot, if you take that step back and see what those memories are still telling you who you are today.
Suze Orman

Fears hate more than anything else to be defeated. Fears will always tell you what you can’t do, not what you can do.
Suze Orman

Your actions are dictated by the choices you make.
Suze Orman

Two of life’s greatest pleasures: counting your money as it grows and dreaming you’ll spend it when the time comes.
Suze Orman

Be open to receive all that you are meant to have.
Suze Orman

Money like every other living thing, isn’t always going to behave in ways you can predict. Sometimes you’ll have more than you expected, and at other times, money will flow out and you’ll have less than you thought.
Suze Orman

[On her father] After his little chicken shack had burned to the ground, my dad was penniless. Because he wasn’t properly insured, everything was a total loss, and he had absolutely no money to start up another business. His health was suffering, too; he had gotten emphysema from all the smoke he inhaled in the fire. It was a very hard time in our family.
Suze Orman

We cannot measure our self-worth by our net worth. True wealth is that which can never diminish.
Suze Orman

Exhale. The eye of the financial hurricane has passed… You survived.
Suze Orman

A home is not a liquid investment that will always rise in value. It is shelter, first and foremost. It can also be a terrific asset, but only if you approach it with clear-eyed expectations.
Suze Orman

Let go of the past.
Suze Orman

All eyes on the road ahead.
Suze Orman

Plan on moderation.
Suze Orman

Respect risk.
Suze Orman

You must be your own risk manager.
Suze Orman

Make no mistake: The days of easy credit will return. Maybe not as easy as it was in years past, but certainly not as tight as 2008-2009.
Suze Orman

It is very dangerous to base spending today on what you hope will play out for you tomorrow.
Suze Orman

I still believe that over time a home can be one of the most satisfying investments you can make…
Suze Orman

If you can’t afford to make a down payment, it’s a sign you can’t afford a home.
Suze Orman

Needs must be separated from wants.
Suze Orman

Financial Freedom is the pathway to inner and outer happiness, and the power to discover that pathway is within you.
Suze Orman

Not identifying your goals is like visiting a foreign city without a map, and without knowing what treasures are contained in that city.
Suze Orman

Messages about money are passed down from generation to generation, worn and chipped like the family dishes.
Suze Orman

Your own memories about money will tell you a lot, if you take that step back and see how those memories influenced who you were – and whether those memories still influence who you are today.
Suze Orman

Believing, deeply believing, other realities makes other realities true…
Suze Orman

How do you replace the old fears, the old reality? With new thoughts. With new truths.
Suze Orman

Make it unlimited.
Suze Orman

Make more money.
Suze Orman

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