Suze Orman Quotes

200 Suze Orman Quotes

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The person who most needs to hear and tell the truth about your money is you.
Suze Orman

Financial lies destroy financial lives.
Suze Orman

When you hang on to the past, you affect how you feel about yourself in many of the situations you currently find yourself in, wherever you are in your life.
Suze Orman

Looking back is the way we learn from our mistakes and pat ourselves on the back for the good things we’ve done. But living in the past is another story.
Suze Orman

The truth is that you are what you do today, not what you did yesterday.
Suze Orman

The past doesn’t have any power over you – not unless you give it power.
Suze Orman

When you hold on mentally and emotionally to what you had, there is no way to create and recognize the greater wealth that you may already have.
Suze Orman

When it comes to money, looking at what you have, not at what you had, is essential.
Suze Orman

Not knowing when to let go can destroy you.
Suze Orman

The fear of loss causes greater loss.
Suze Orman

Children are never too young to learn how to take some responsibility for themselves and their future, and never too old to know that you will be there for them as parents and partners.
Suze Orman

Fear, when it hits, can careen out of control. It can paralyze you from taking action, especially the correct action.
Suze Orman

The way to rein in fear is to face it directly and take rational action. You don’t want to ignore it; you don’t want to act it out wildly.
Suze Orman

You are the one behind the earthly power of your money, that you always have been and always will be.
Suze Orman

In the lessons you learn and the messages you pass on, your money looks both ways – to the generation behind you and to the one that follows you.
Suze Orman

If you clear the path for your money to flow and grow, then you will leave a powerful legacy for generations to come.
Suze Orman

The more you make, the more you spend. The less you think you make, the less you will spend. Put your money for tomorrow where you cannot see it today.
Suze Orman

True financial harmony is achieved when your pleasure in saving money equals or exceeds your pleasure in spending it.
Suze Orman

Financial freedom requires not only insight but also action. True financial freedom is not only having money, but having power over the money as well.
Suze Orman

When debts start taking a life of their own, and start growing faster than you can pay them off, the weight of the debt drains everything – the money you’re saving for your future, your capacity to save and invest more, and your ability to pay the debt as it keeps growing.
Suze Orman

You must value what you do for a living for what it is, what it contributes to the world, and for what it makes you – not for the salary it pays you – for true wealth can never be measured by a dollar figure alone.
Suze Orman

The quality of your life does not depend solely on how you accumulate, save, and spend your money. True richness lies in defining yourself by who and what you are – not by what you do or do not have.
Suze Orman

Money is not the root of all evil; money is just money – until you bring your beliefs to it. If you believe that money is the root of all that is honorable and good, then you can make it so with every cent that you earn, and with every dollar you create.
Suze Orman

One way to get in touch with your money is to actually start touching it again. Handle your cash; feel it and respect it; delight in spending it the way you did as a child; enjoy choosing not to spend it; take pleasure in putting it away now for later.
Suze Orman

When it comes to money, time is probably the most important factor in the growth process. The more time you give to your money, and the more time it has to grow, the better equipped you will be to attract and create healthy sums.
Suze Orman

By talking to your children about money, you will be talking to them about the way the world really works. And you’ll be teaching them well.
Suze Orman

Money on its own has only the power to languish. You are the one who gives it the power to grow. Remember, your money is only as powerful… as you are powerful over your money.
Suze Orman

If you have too much on your financial plate, get a bigger plate!
Suze Orman

Financial freedom comes when you take care of the people and the places around you…
Suze Orman

If you want money in your life, then you must welcome it, be open to it, and treat it with respect. Your beliefs and your attitudes are what make you feel rich and free to trust yourself, knowing that you will always take the right actions with your money.
Suze Orman

Look within to see why you are doing without. If you don’t have the money that you want in your life today, ask yourself what you are doing to block it.
Suze Orman

Giving money to a friend does not make you – or your friend – more powerful. In fact, you may create a problem for yourself – because from now on, whenever you see that person you will remember the ‘gift.’ And so will your friend.
Suze Orman

Once you free your notion of self-worth from the bonds of material things, you will ‘need’ less and you will spend less. As your self-esteem rises, your debt will diminish. Call it a law of financial physics!
Suze Orman

There is a direct correlation between your self-esteem and the amount of debt you carry. If you’re spending money you don’t have, and continue to do so even when the possibility of paying it off becomes more and more remote, then you’re probably spending money not to have more, but to be more.
Suze Orman

When it comes to money, I deeply believe that the obstacles that keep us from being more and having more are rooted in the emotional, psychological, and spiritual conditions that have shape our thoughts: In other words, what we have begins with what we think.
Suze Orman

I believe that you cannot build a strong financial future on a base that is undermined by debt.
Suze Orman

Money is not stagnant; it is ever-changing.
Suze Orman

Money… It means different things to each of us at different points in our lives.
Suze Orman

When it comes to money it is not about doing what is easy, it is about having the courage to do what is right.
Suze Orman

The road to financial freedom begins… in your head. It begins with your thoughts.
Suze Orman

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