Ted Turner Quotes

130 Ted Turner Quotes

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[On being asking who in all of history he would most like to be] That’s easy. Ted Turner. I’m in history and I like myself. I wouldn’t want to be anyone else.
Ted Turner

If there’s a big guy and a little guy in an argument, if the big guy will argue with him, the big guy doesn’t come down to his level. The little guy rises up to his level… Think of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was just an itinerant little preacher until the Roman Empire decided it was gonna attack him… And look where he ended up.
Ted Turner

Business is tough right now, but listen: For me, business has always been tough. I grew up in a touch neighborhood. We pioneered everything we started… We’ve had to fight and scrap every inch of the way against entrenched powerful competitors. We’ve survived and none of our competitors have.
Ted Turner

We may have another French Revolution and there’ll be another Madame Defarge knitting and watching them come in little oxcarts down to the town square and BOOM! Off with their heads!
Ted Turner

[When RCA would not provide a slot on it’s satellite for CNN] I may be a small company, and you guys may put me out of business. But for every drop of blood I shed, you will shed a barrel.
Ted Turner

If you wanted an easy job, you could be a grave digger or run a graveyard. All you do is plant the people once and then leave them there, right? Or sell the cemetery lots, if you want something that moves slowly. But everybody in broadcasting likes action.
Ted Turner

It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.
Ted Turner

I drive a Ford. I deliberately keep my life simple. Why? Because I enjoy that. I never really liked ostentatious wealth.
Ted Turner

I just love it when people say I can’t do something. There’s nothing that makes me feel better, because all my life people have said I wasn’t going to make it.
Ted Turner

I have learned – the more good that I did, the more money comes in.
Ted Turner

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