Therese Rein Quotes

102 Therese Rein Quotes

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I was born in Adelaide and I was a very, very shy child.
Therese Rein

[On her father when he became a paraplegic due to a work injury being a aeroplane navigator flying damaged patched up planes back to the main base for a full repair until one plane crashed. But he had full use of his arms although he couldn’t walk.] He didn’t want to think that his life was over… He decided he wanted to go to university and he wanted to become an aeronautical engineer. What they said to him was ‘No John. You’re handicapped. Mate.’ Very helpful… There were a lot of people there who said ‘You can’t.’ There was one person there who said ‘I think you can.’ And that was my mum. There was another person there who said ‘Let’s have a go.’ And that was Dad’s sister. And there was another person who believed in him and that was his brother. Dad applied to the university… They admitted him.
Therese Rein

[On her father graduating from university as a paraplegic.] When he graduated from University as an aeronautical engineer, he was given a standing ovation. That was over at the Sydney town hall. People didn’t think it was possible. For a paraplegic, to go to university and get a degree.
Therese Rein

[On her father graduating as a paraplegic as an aeronautical engineer and then wanting to put it into practice.] He then wanted to work as an aeronautical engineer. Why? Because we know work matters to people.
Therese Rein

We know work matters to people. We know that when you are learning and being challenged, when you are making a contribution, when you have a routine, when you are connected to other people, and particularly if you are working in your field of fascination, their life can become very meaningful.
Therese Rein

[On her dad getting to work as an Aeronautical engineer.] It is also a means of money, and it was part of being independent, and a normal citizen for my dad.
Therese Rein

He got knock back, after knock back. And all through that my mum was there encouraging him. Urging him, challenging him, not to give up. And eventually someone gave him an opportunity. A work trial opportunity, three mornings, in Adelaide. So he drove from Sydney with mum to Adelaide. For this work trial. Not very certain, not the same as going out on the open seas, but I think it felt a bit like that.
Therese Rein

I think my dad’s signature strength was courage, bravery, valour.
Therese Rein

[On working everyday – 5 days for a full day instead of the three mornings.] At the end of the day the guy that had given him the opportunity said ‘Mate, you’ve got the job. All the other aeronautical engineers are also sitting down.’ He kept on being told all his life that he only had ‘Five more years’ to live. And I think that made mum and him seize every day, and make the most of it.
Therese Rein

He became a paralympian, he carried the flag for Australia at the first paralympics. He was an archer. And he won gold for Australia.
Therese Rein

So when my dad said to me ‘Don’t give up.’ I didn’t dare give up. And when my dad said to me ‘I think you can and I believe in you. I believe you can do this if you put your mind to it.’ I didn’t want to disappoint him. Ever.
Therese Rein

I think that what I learnt from dad was a number of things. Firstly I learnt the importance of work for people. And that’s what our company and our life mission is. Is to help people with disabilities. People who are long-term unemployed. People who have lost confidence to regain their confidence. And to find their place in the world of work. We help them find their field of fascination. The thing that they do where time just passes and they haven’t even noticed it going. And we help them build on their strengths. So I learnt the importance of work. I learnt the importance of perseverance and determination and application. And I learnt the importance of people in my life. I love learning… I’m a slightly original thinker which sometimes might look like being slightly crazy. And I appreciate beauty and excellence.
Therese Rein

I learnt to use my love of learning.
Therese Rein

I learnt that I loved to give. And that I loved to serve.
Therese Rein

[On her and her companies helping people find employment.] We believe in their potential. We help them find their field of fascination and build on their strengths. And work out what do they care about that’s bigger than they are that they can contribute to… We help them regain their confidence and find their way. I love that work, it’s my life’s work.
Therese Rein

[On resilience.] One thing I’ve learnt is the absolute importance of the people you love in your life. And for us the importance of our family.
Therese Rein

I’ve learnt in… the kindness of friends. The encouragement of friends. And also the kindness and gentleness - the loving kindness of strangers. Of people I’ve never met before, coming up and saying ‘Thank you.’ Those acts of kindness really help when you’re going through something a bit challenging and difficult.
Therese Rein

For us our integrity and our commitment to fairness and justice and compassion, none of that get’s taken away by what’s happening around us.
Therese Rein

I’ve learnt to be in the here and now, to savour the blue sky, the wind on my face…
Therese Rein

[On one of the many things she would like to share with her grand-daughter.] I want to tell her of her own strengths. I want to sing her the song of her own strengths. Tell her own story. I want to encourage her to burn the stick of perfectionism with which we often beat ourselves. I want her to urge her to be just her, not anyone else. To be her unique, beautiful self.
Therese Rein

[On another of the many things she would like to share with her grand-daughter.] I want to let her know that she can do anything, anything at all, if she puts her mind to it. Just as you can.
Therese Rein

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