Tom Potter Quotes

101 Tom Potter Quotes

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I was hell-bent on purchasing my own commercial headquarters and stop being a tenant…
Tom Potter

Six months later, when I had the cash, we installed the air conditioning. Ok I admit, sometimes I was a bit of a cowboy.
Tom Potter

I couldn’t get away from the thought that if we weren’t growing, we were rotting.
Tom Potter

The window of opportunity would stay open for only so long…
Tom Potter

As most people know, getting along with their mother at any time can be difficult, let alone being in business when there is a 30 year gap between you.
Tom Potter

[On his mother needing an operation which was a success] We’re too busy for you to be sick, and besides, Ray Kroc didn’t start McDonald’s until he was 54 years old, so we’ve got a long way ahead of us and we’ll get through it.
Tom Potter

Thanks Mum.
Tom Potter

Where low-price strategies run afoul is when an operator allows them to cheapen his product or reduce his service, both of which will cost him customers in the long run.
Tom Potter

It was clear that we were going to have to adjust our prices to what the market would bear… and we knew that would be painful.
Tom Potter

One of the brothers interrupted and asked if Eagle Boys was prepared to become the Master Licensee of Pizza Haven in Queensland.
Tom Potter

[On being told Pizza Haven had over 101 stores with four shareholders] Eagles Boys has 50 stores owned by just me. So I’m obviously in a stronger position of decision-making, while you guys are fighting over the scraps of one business.
Tom Potter

We had two choices: go out of business, or change our business models to adapt to the newly changed marketplace.
Tom Potter

We were forced into a knife fight, but we were bringing a gun.
Tom Potter

Eagle Boys purchased less than 40 Pizza Haven stores in 2008.
Tom Potter

What we didn’t know was that he was a gambling addict and to fund his habit, he set up his own company cheque book…
Tom Potter

If it smells like sh*t, it usually is.
Tom Potter

As any business owner … knows, it didn’t take long before the bank was all over my arse, warning me about Eagle Boys’ debt-to-equity ratio and the possibility of winding us up.
Tom Potter

I sacked 30 percent of the staff…
Tom Potter

With our backs against the wall, and with the clear reality that our company’s survival was at stake, the group never looked back.
Tom Potter

It’s a horrible thing to see a love between two people evaporate so quickly – even worse to live it.
Tom Potter

20 years earlier, McDonald’s sold only red meat. By 1992, it had become the world’s largest buyer of chicken. The question for me was, ‘How can we address this trend with chicken and pizza?’
Tom Potter

Today, chicken topped pizzas make up nearly 30 percent of the pizza industry.
Tom Potter

You can only put so many toppings on a pizza before it’s too heavily covered to allow the heat to penetrate the toppings and cook the pizza evenly.
Tom Potter

What a f*cking circus!
Tom Potter

Wise operators reinvest in their business in many ways.
Tom Potter

How many times have any of us watched good businesses die because the owner put a lot of money into his pockets, but little or none back into the business?
Tom Potter

[On farmers] How many dollars and days are spent developing, tilling and fertilising a field before a crop can be sown into that ground? Some will say it’s three years at least before they ever get any return on that investment – provided the weather co-operates!
Tom Potter

Competition is a part of life.
Tom Potter

[On competition] Deal with it and be competitive and you will do just fine or ‘live in denial and you could be in deep trouble and lose everything’.
Tom Potter

This is the rule of the jungle. The fast eat the slow.
Tom Potter

The key for me has been to not only change when I needed to change but have the r right attitude about it in the first instance.
Tom Potter

The key for me was that I become someone who had the ability to control my own destiny and make changes as required…
Tom Potter

Retail business is not always about price, price and cheap, cheap. It’s about ensuring that the customer feels that they have been given the best possible deal and the best possible return for their money.
Tom Potter

You certainly do get what you deserve and you’ll get what you deserve if you do or don’t work for it!
Tom Potter

The price wars became a knife fight, with everyone slashing competitor’s throats on price. Our advice to Eagle Boys franchisees was to redefine our market position slightly and reduce prices a bit to stay competitive.
Tom Potter

It’s about being able to decipher information clearly and cut through the clutter to find what matters most. Having a pretty good, innate bullsh*t detector helped me excel at this.
Tom Potter

I left home and started on a factory floor at the age of 15, then started school again at the age of 30… in a foreign country…
Tom Potter

I learned that ‘You don’t know what you don’t know’…
Tom Potter

Public perception is nearly everything.
Tom Potter

Within eight weeks, the ad was banned from television. Now considering that we were only going to run the ad campaign for six to eight weeks anyway, the ban didn’t matter. Nationally we saw sales jump an average of 20 percent…
Tom Potter

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